Image result for rest is as good as"

My cell rang on the way back from GP yesterday. It was a student wondering when school starts again. She's ready to get going, just as we are after 17 days of holidays. I spent much of my time with an 18 month old. River taught me many things which are pertinent now.

You don't have to eat everything on your plate, in fact you can throw it if it's not to your liking.
If you throw a huge fit in Costco, everyone will stop shopping and take you out to the truck and you spend no money at all!!!
If you lay on a dog it will bite you.
Some people are full of sh##,  we  change their diapers, then are willing to play with them again.
Sleeping is so rejuvenating, especially when you sleep with friends, Mr. Bear, Mr. Dog, Mr. Bunny and  Mr. Monkey. 
Teaching happens with every sentence you say , every action you take, every wink and nod of the head. Kids are watching you! 
You can put together a 1000 piece puzzle with an 18 month old. Well a 998 piece puzzle.

Enjoy this week. You will hear about the break from your students. Get ready for a variety of experiences. Some will have added to their list of traumas, some will have added great memories. Hoping you added good memories.

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This week is a little messy in High Level.

Tuesday- please remember it is Tuesday. Anne in HL
Allan starts on Wednesday this week as we need coverage in Rainbow. 
Wednesday- Anne and Allan in High Level- prep for diploma courses Wed pm.
Thursday- Anne in Rainbow
Friday- Allan in Rainbow - 
Friday- Mike visits High Level for the morning. 
Chad is out Friday.
Kayleen is out Wed pm. Thursday and Friday am. 
Annelise is helping out LCPS this week  by subbing in a classroom. We are saying prayers for a couple who are expecting a baby but there are many complications. Huge thanks to Linda and Annelise for changing their schedules to assist. 

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What is Going on?

* Diplomas are next week. I will be picking them up and distributing them on Wednesday. Please get in touch with your students top make sure they know when these exams are.
Diploma supervision schedule is in the shared drive. 
*Diploma Prep course Wed. Pm in High Level.
*Mike's visit to go over our plans, my pgp and the division's three goals  happens Friday am in High Level. Is there any items you would like me to bring up with Mike? Just send an email outlining your question please. 
*Rainbow Lake- We have students writing in Rainbow that require accommodations so Allan and I  will be supervising there when necessary. 
*Great time to get things done with kids. There are only 4 months left of winter. We have them for another four months! 
*Student contacts- I am impressed with everyone using the student communication sheet. We have a handle on our kids. Many of our kids work, have wee ones and need to know it matters that we see them.
* Wellness Moments- Each school has Wellness sessions that are going to be slated for January and February. Thanks to Chad for arranging the Healthy Relationships talk in La Crete for January.  Rainbow will have The Opiods session in January as well. These talks are aimed at giving our students the information they need to make good decisions about their health. 
*Please remember we have the ability to refer students for mental health services. They can receive one on one in all areas except High Level. 

Enjoy your 4 day week. It is a lovely way to start the year. 

Image result for baby quotes funny"


  1. What a great blog! I like the diaper part ;) And it has so much excitement in it! Welcome back everyone!


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