Notice the beauty around you

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We take many things for granted, the snow for instance, look at that sparkling snow. It is gorgeous. The hoar frost is spectacular. Take a walk, bring your camera and notice the thick, white, lace branches. Others do not get to enjoy such beauty, we do! I had gorgeous pictures to add from my walk yesterday but you can all guess where my phone is. Not here!! 

Watched the best talk yesterday, the topic was screen time and on your phone time. Addiction to your phone/technology has a DSM, meaning it is a diagnosed medical condition. The professor asks us to consider the number of times we check our phone in a day. How far away from your phone will you allow yourself to be? Does it interfere with you completing work at your workplace? How much time do you spend on your phone? She asks us to wean ourselves off the phone. Check it only three times a day, the professor assures us we will be okay. She also asks us to consider a diet of what we are feeding ourselves on our phone. Is it junk? She suggests our diet be healthy, consisting of doing things on our phone which are helpful and healthy, budgeting, meditation, not comparing our lives to the lives of others. I am going to search that talk down when I get my phone back and share it with you. Constant use of your phone can be an addiction. 
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Please remember this is a short week. Friday is a PD day. EA's you finally get a day off!!! Enjoy.

Anne is in High Level Monday and Tuesday. I have several meetings Tuesday. 

Wednesday Anne is in Rainbow. 

Thursday Fort and La Crete. My vehicle is finally fixed and no longer drives sideways. 

Teachers will be meeting on Friday am over google hangouts. We will be working on report cards, student contacts and CRM actions in the pm.

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What Do We have Going On?

  • Diplomas- we still have a few diplomas being written in La Crete.
  • PAT exams are coming up and will be written in High Level and La Crete. Possibly in Fort too.
  • Rainbow Lake now has 6 full time students. A student came to us from St. Paul's on line school. 
  • Accountability surveys are happening for the months of Jan and Feb. I will drop off codes when I come by the schools this week. Parents have had the surveys sent home. I will do a call out asking them to fill it out and return it. Parents will have an opportunity to do the survey on line during parent teacher interviews. This survey gives Alberta Education information about our four schools. 
  • Art afternoons will be taking place as part of our Social Literacy 25-3. When seeking healthy ways to deal with stressors, art and music are an excellent means of expressing yourself.  These afternoons will take place in all 4 schools. Thanks to Chad for talking to Mary and organizing the dates. 
  • Grads- Grad letters were or are being sent out. Our grad letters woke up several students. They have been in so much more. These letters inform the students of their status as a grad. Parents have been calling us too which is very exciting. 
  • Due dates on assignments has helped students plan for course completion. Please continue to put those due dates on modules. 
  • Wellness- There is a referral process so students can receive services from a trained counselor. There are several students we identified and have asked if they would like services, both students said yes. 
  • Teacher's convention- This year the teachers convention is at The Shaw center. I will ask Chad to find a restaurant where everyone can meet for lunch. It's always nice to get together and compare notes. More info will come.
Enjoy your week! Remember it is a short week. Please post the closure in your schools. 

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