Social Dilemma

 The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer | Netflix

► 2:35

The Social Dilemma is the name of a documentary on Netflix. The data shared concerning teens and technology is important for educators. Technology experts share their thoughts about social platforms and the addictions we have to these platforms. These are platforms they created and they are worried. They share the dangerous human impact of social networking. Let me know what you think. Sure got me THINKING... Put the phone down people.  


Annelise is back on Tuesday. She has been missed and we are so happy to have her back on Tuesday. 

Anne is out Wed, Thurs, Fri, Mon. I am still redoing my schedule and will have it out soon. Chad is principaling for these four days. 

Thanks you to all who have been coming into work healthy. No bugs are getting through those hands that are washed 900 hundred times a day.

Atrieve is used for absences. Please be sure to book all your absences through that.  

What We Need to Know This Week:

*We are in week two and have developed routines and procedures our kids are becoming used to. Now, our focus is on student wellness and course completion. Next week, we will have a staff meeting on Tuesday and CRM's for a half hour after the staff meeting. Please send along discussion points for the staff meeting. 

*This week, I am taking my 60% days and am out on Wed, Thurs, Fri and Mon. Chad is your contact. 

* Golden Hills resources- In the next two days, we will be shoring up our Learning Strategies using some cool activities from Golden Hills. 

* Golden Hills log ins will be given out today. We have access to the Fort Vermilion Materials listed at the bottom of the menu. We will go through this with you at staff meeting.  

* This week we will do a call out, welcoming back students and letting them know that we are ready to mark all their work. It is so important to follow up with the kids on your student communication list. 

It might sound like this, " It's Mrs. Roberts from the Learning Store, checking in on you. Are you doing okay with the work we gave you last week? We are here for you to help you complete things. We expect a module a week, that schedule will help you get through your courses. It's also important to know you we have access to counselors in our schools if you feel you are needing to talk to someone. We offer that service to all students and staff. Have you ever considered talking to a counselor? Just let me know if you'd like me to arrange it." 

We are warm and welcoming. You are all great at this. 

 *Our Numbers this week are: High Level - 75 students, La Crete 80 students. Mike was brilliant in predicting our higher numbers and staffed accordingly. We know these numbers will change, some will go and others will come, we never worry about that. 

*Small spaces- we work in small crowded spaces. I have had to do these things: Stop interrupting people when they are having conversations with someone, I should just walk away and come back later: Stop, interrupting if a teacher is working with a student: Stop, having private conversations in public places: Stop talking, when you dont know what to do , stop talking, it works everytime. 

Our new reality is that we have to be very aware of where we are, our aspaces are tiny. Be aware of what we are saying, where we are saying it, and who we are saying things to. Always aware, that's how we will get along this year and not eat each others faces off like hamsters do. ( That's a real life story I can share with you about my hamster raising days.Still have that picture in my head)

* In LTM Mike was very clear to say that no talk of what is happening in schools will come from FVSD staff. It is of no concern which school goes out due to covid, we are staying in our own Learning Store lane. Poipel stop asking when you give no information. Those who need to share the information will. 

* One week window for assignments being graded. Please let students know there is a student portal they can access for these marks. 

*Budgets are all but frozen until we find out what our budget is. Will our schools be cut? We will find out soon. 



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