Week Two


There have been many good things in 2020, but i did think this was so funny. 

We are into week two and we've got some things figured out. Seeing ourselves following through till year end is a lofty goal. No more school year interruptions please. Tornadoes don't happen this far north correct?????????? Haven't had an earth quake for about 32 years and 16 inches of rain has our plantlife celebrating. We have got this. 

Thank you to all for your efforts to settle the students and some parents last week. You handled the transition to this new way of doing things with grace. You were lovely to watch, so welcoming. In High Level, we are politely asking people to don a mask and they do so with ease. Polite prompts will be needed many times this year in many situations in both locations.  

Notes for you:

  1. The pandemic has rocked the school division. Our numbers in our FVSD schools have dropped significantly.  The only schools who are over projections are Learning Stores and Home Education. Imagine that! That reality means a loss of millions of dollars for the school division. How will this be mananged by the government?  Small classes will be combined, some teachers will be reassigned, some creative manoevering will take place. Please note it is still early many parents are still deciding how to deliver eduication to their children. The numbers may rebound by Septemebr 30th. 
  2. Budgets are being adjusted. Only necessities can be purchased until they realign school's budgets. We can buy books, necessities. 
  3. Northwest Learning Consortium is offering many on line courses after school check it out. https://www.nrlc.net/
  4. PD ocober 2nd dossier Ipp program guarunteed to be the ebst program ever and will give us a useful document.
  5. CRM- We will be planning a CRM for the last week in September in both locations. Please be sure to be making contact weekly with our kids.
  6. PGP's are due in to me by September 30th. We are here to assist you reach those goals. 
  7. Wellness- You have been with our students for 4 days. Just keep listening and watching. You will know when you will want to refer a student. They may even self refer. Staff you also have the opportunity to speak with counselors, Natalie sent out the email two weeks ago. 
  8.  New materials- Let's make sure our kids are managing the new materials well. La Crete did orientaions for many of their students. In High Level we've been doing that indiviually now we wait for the work to roll in. ADLC had a 23 to 27 % completion rate. We want a 95 % completion rate. 
  9. Thanks to Alex for the materials redo. We have been using them and are so impressed by the ease of use and the quality of the revised materials. 
  10. New courses- this is the year to create new courses and to adjust courses we are not pleased with. Looking to get some on line versions of our courses is also a goal. Perhaps we can start making a list of courses that need a revamp for the October 2nd PD day.
  11. Touch Point people- The division recognizes the fact this needs to be done regularly and is having us identify one person in the school to complete it. They will pay them an extra hour, although this will be done throughout the day with no increase in hours required. Leah will do this in High Level and Eva will do this in La Crete. So glad they recognize the need to do this. So no more schedule one person will do it in each building. 
  12. Our numbers- La Crete 71 students High Level 69. 


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