Chances to Engage Students




A speech pathologist noted that it does no good to teach content to kids if they can't verbalize it. They need to be able to put what they are learning into words. Her frustration is, we teach huge concepts, yet are not requiring students to put their learning into words. Her example is: parents of two year olds teaching the alphabet and numbers before the kid can say I am thirsty, I see a dog, my leg is hurting. How does this affect Learning Store students? We need them to talk more... I know it is hard to do with some students but speaking it, solidifies their learning. Often asking the question why, elicits lots of conversation. 

Thank yous

* Huge thanks to those who cover when we are out. We know being out can cause distruptions and we appreciate all you do for our students while we are out. 

* Thanks to Chad for leading the marking conversations amongst staff at the La Crete Learning Store. You made it a positive experience which it should be.  Professional conversations are a necessity in our schools. 

* Thanks for your PGP's many of you have handed them in.

*Thanks for dealing with parent enquires quickly. We have a new population this year who are wanting to talk about their children's programming. You have been taking the time to meet with them and explain that yes, we are a school, yes kids can achieve their high school diploma through us. ( People are still asking that question)  

* Thanks to Dean who is looking after the work experience visits in La Crete. There are many students to look after and many site visits to make. We appreciate you building connections in the community. 


Amanda is out all week. Crystal can sub on Thursday.

Leah is out for a period of time. 

Anne is in,  her next days off are Nov 6th to Nov 16th. I am going to M/C a wedding in Canmore. 

What is Up this Week:

November 2020 diploma exams

  • The November 2020 diploma exams are optional due to COVID-19. Students are encouraged to talk to their teachers about writing diploma exams.

    There are circumstances where students need to write diploma exams, including, but not limited to:

    • home education students if required by a post-secondary institution
    • adult students who can write an exam without taking a course
    • students who do not have a passing mark from their teacher
    • students who want to raise their mark, or are interested to have a diploma exam mark on their transcript

  • I am going to clarify the adult student ( 19 yearolds) position, it sounds like they must write. I have an email in to Karen Smith. Alex asked the question about adding a final exam in those courses. Thinking out loud..... We did not do that in another circumstance such as flood and fire and covid last year. Alberta's stance is that they are wanting the reduce stressors for students.We have no idea what is going on in their homes, no idea how they are doing mentally, hmmmmm. High Level Public is not adding a final exam to their diploma courses. I am looking into this and will have an answer shortly. 
  • Please note if you DO have students who want to write diplomas we must get the request in to Alberta Education immediately. Teachers must contact those students who were going to write and make sure they are okay with not writing. Most students will say," Absolutely." 

  • Report Cards- Our report card end date is November 6th and report cards go out on November 13th. You can make things easier for yourself by commenting as you mark a student's work. I just did that today. 
  • Parent teacher interviews- We will be making calls to families this week and next, to update parents on the progress of their kids. This gives students a chance to hand in some work for the upcoming report card. Please note if you  had a conversation with a parent last week, please count that as a interview. Each family must be contacted and conversed with. 

* If a student shows signs of persistent sickness without a preexisting condition ie: allergies. You must have that conversation with them to please stay home when sick. We had this conversation today with a student. 

Here is an email put out by Scot Leys which explains primary and secondary symptoms. 

Hey everyone,


So I realize this is can be confusing and the information I am about to give you may not make it any simpler.  LOL  I just spoke with Shane Hussey to confirm the below information as I had not previously seen this designation.  AHS has designated COVID symptoms into 2 categories – Primary Symptoms (Group A) and Secondary Symptoms (Group B).  They are listed below and all Primary Symptoms require 10 days or symptoms resolve, whichever is longer (unless they have no known contact with a positive covid case.)  IF a staff member or student exhibit Secondary or Group B symptoms then they are required to isolate until the symptoms resolve.  The individual can return to work once they resolve, EVEN WITHOUT A NEGATIVE COVID TEST.



You should get tested if you have any COVID-19 symptom.

Primary Symptoms - If you have any these symptoms you are legally required to isolate for at least 10 days from the start of your symptoms or until they resolve, whichever is longer:

  • Fever
  • Cough (new cough or worsening chronic cough)
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing (new or worsening)
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat

Secondary Symptoms - If you have any of these other symptoms, stay home and minimize your contact with others until your symptoms resolve:

  • Chills
  • Painful swallowing
  • Stuffy nose
  • Headache
  • Muscle or joint aches
  • Feeling unwell, fatigue or severe exhaustion
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or unexplained loss of appetite)
  • Loss of sense of smell or taste
  • Conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye

Monitor your health and call Health Link 811 if you have questions or concerns. Call 911 immediately if experiencing severe symptoms of COVID-19, including difficulty breathing, severe chest pain, feelings of confusion or loss of consciousness.

* Mental Health- we will be organizing mental health talks for our students starting in November. We have a survey students can fill out to determine topics for the social literacy sessions we present to students. I will forward it to you in La Crete. We are finidng interesting results. Sleep and the lack there of is a concern for many in High Level. 

* Stupid Things People do with their money session going on in High Level next Wednesday.  

* Staff meeting next Tuesday September 27th at 2:30. Schools will close at that time. Please put up posters and include this information in your call out. If you have topics you'd like brought up at the staff meeting please email them to me. 

*CRM- try to fit it in after the staff meeting. If not will do it by the end of the week. 
Well it's taken me all day to write this with 7132 interruptions. 

Enjoy the week with no snow on the ground. Eva, Anne, Holly and Leah's guesses for snow on the ground are void, those days have passed. Amanda's guess of Oct 24th is next up, then Allan Oct 27.  



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