

You need a rest. You deserve a rest. There is hope that you will get one. In four quick weeks you will get to put your feet up and enjoy the season. In five weeks, we will have the longest day of the year then all days after that, will add minutes of light to our days. Other countries have bleak gloomy winters, not us. Our winters are bright with new fallen snow. All of us watch the snow fall in the glow of the street lights or yard light. 

We know what fresh is, not fresh as in produce, but fresh as in standing at the freezing  door and letting your sluggish dog out. Fresh as in walking to work and tracking each breath. Fresh as in shovelling for an hour and having ice form on your hair (or beard for Alex).

This time of year is such a hopeful one. We are excited to bring joy to others. We bought the perfect cheap gift for River. It's a bath balm rainbow. He drops it in the water and there a rainbow that forms, how cool is that!! We bring joy through giving, it is just so much fun and so good for the heart. You might bring joy through donating to others in need. Donating time or money always makes us feel hopeful. 

Cool thing is that we are more apt in November and December to see hope around us. This year people needed to set up their trees early, there are more lights than ever, we are looking for hope and when you look you will find it. Here's hope, it's pay day next week. yeah!!!!

This year I have booked December off. Why December? For 32 years I have never been ready for Christmas. There were always so many preparations at school that came before my own family preparations. Things like Christmas concerts, 12 days of Christmas events, Christmas basket delivery, shoe boxes for Christmas and keeping up with the hype of Christmas in a school. Needless to say, my own planning for my family came second. This year I have scheduled it so that my family preparations will come first. My brother is bringing his daughter out to school in Dawson Creek, so I will meet with him next week. I haven't seen him since my daughter's wedding 4 years ago.Sounds selfish and you are right it is. It absolutely is selfish to the max, I am proud to say! Gives me hope that I have made the right decision to retire and work 60%. With full staffs it is possible. 

Snow Angel Contest

All you have to do is sendus all a picture of you and your snow angel/s you made.
Chad and I will then give you a $10 gift card. 
Everyone smiles at a snow angel!  


* When you look after yourself you are better equipped to look after others. 

Bonnie is out today and tomorrow.

Crystal is out Friday pm. 

What's Happening this week:

Staff meeting at 2:30 on Tuesday. It will be shorter to allow for a CRM in La Crete. The cahallenge is to have a

GoGuardian- Chad and I get messages from Goguardian a chromebook security program. It identifies questionable internet content. We have taken away chromebook priveldges for one student who was accessing explicit content. On the other hand it can make mistakes, this week it tagged a student reading religious content. We will let go guargian know about this mistake and they will reset their filters. So not all Go Guardian hits are cause to take a students priveldges away. We look at each case individually. 

Spelling errors- you will notice many... if i correct them I lose a letter. Not sure why  that happens on occasion so im not correcting anything this time round. I'll just get angrier and angier. ha ha spelling!! 

20 minute conversations with you-  I'd like to have a 20 minute chat with each staff member this week. I will set up a schedule and you can sign up for your time. In La Crete we will do a virtual meeting. In High Level we will do a masked up meeting. I want to check in to hear your happies and crappies. I'd like to see what I can do to have this be an awesome year for you. I would love to hear your ideas for making Learning Stores better. I would love to have met with everyone by this Friday. The schedule will come out in a goggle doc. Just a nice way to catch up. 

Student Surveys- This week is the last day to do the survey Natalie sent out, the division one. Do your best please. The issues survey yielded a few self referrals for us in High Level could do the same in La Crete. This is the survey that gives us the info on what sessions we are offering our students. In High Level, sleep issues, depression, anxiety and drugs and alcohol were identified as issues in our community. We are creating a session on sleep for our students. We can pass it on to La Crete if that is an issue. 

PURDY"S GRAD Chocolates arrived in High Level today. $30,000 worth of chocolate. Staff will be busy with that for a while. Grad will have made a good chunk of moo laa. we know we arent supposed to do fundraisers in this covid year. It went out by accident and will be the only fund raiser. 

CRM's- High Level squeezed theirs in Friday at lunch. Today, we follow through with the action required to engage these kids. La Crete will have plenty of time on Tuesday after staff meeting. Student contact is an absolute must, putting the contact in student communication is also a must, folllowing through with unanswered texts, calls is also a must. If you can't find them, maybe someone else can. Seek the help of others. 

Student Work- students who are hoping to write diplomas need to know these four weeks are integral for completing the majority of these grade 12 courses. They won't be shocked when we come back from the holiday that diplomas are scheduled right away. Hoping we hear from the Alberta Gov. sometime soon. As it stands we are planning for diplomas according to Karen Smith. 

High Level has a first aide course being done with only our students on Tuesday and Wednesday. 6 students are taking it. 

See you at staff meeting tomorrow to go over any things we have misssed on this memo. I will send a meeting invite tomorrow for 2:30. 




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