Looks Like We Made It

 Looks Like We Made It, is the title of an old Barry Manilow song. Some of you may remember. None of the lyrics pertain to us, but the title sure does. Looks LIke We Made it!!

(I'm writing this from home  early in the morning, and I have realized that I am a personal servant to my dogs. I have let each of them out twice. Feed them, then have given them a treat. Now I'm getting up to let Ryder in. He wants me to throw his toy and I said, NO! GEt to work Anne.)

Grads took place this weekend, and oh my gosh what a fabulous celebration they were. You just have to talk to the families to hear the victory in their voices. Families needed this weekend. We needed a celebration too. Many thanks to the High Level crew who came out and volunteered for 4 hours. They were able to see our kids at their finest. It was just sooooo good. Many, many thanks for your time and for looking after the families. It was so appreciated. 

Many thanks to Chad who spoke in La Crete at their grad. The day was a beautiful one. They always do a lovely job of grad in La Crete. The students are honored the way they should be. So great!!! many Thanks to Alex and Eva for organizing those grads with assessment letters and counseling. They needed your wise guidance. 

There are not enough words to thank you for every move you've made this year to get those kids to graduation. We know it has been countless hours of teaching, reteaching then reteaching again. You gave out asisgnment books once, twice, three times. You took parent calls. You text. You called. You went to their place of work. You were bounty hunters and the reward was a diploma!!! The work you do is life impacting, very few professions are life impacting. Yours is. Makes you want to come to work everyday, because it's just so valuable!!! You have to love your job in Outreach, or you would never last!!!


There are a ton of people out this week.

Amanda is out Tuesday

Leah is out today.

Holly is out Friday pm. 

Bonnie is out today.

LTM this Tuesday pm in Fort. 

Hmmm I'm missing some. Oh yes, me! I am out Thursday and Friday- it is River's third birthday. He says, " No, I no have burday." You get away with a lot when you are two...

What is Up

We will do test runs of report cards Tuesday. Will get them already to go for the end of the week. 

Yes, we do take work in. However, it is up to the teacher whether he/she wants it included on the report cards. Your call. We can rerun a report card, that is easy. 

Try, Try, Try, to get some organizational time for yourself this week. Seems when we organize our space. Clean it up that we also clear our brains. Hoping kids have decided to relax at home if they are done. 

Year end checklist.

Preregister kids, we have been doing that. Carry on with that.

20 minute meetings were so valuable. I have only Holly and Leah left. We will incorporate your ideas into action for next year.

Awards go out this week. Recognition is deserved, our kids have rocked this year. Adults haven't done as well as they have. Resilience!!!!!

New building- our concrete is being poured this week. I went and visited the hole. Even broke through the gate- it was opened!! Looks like a hole. I can not picture it yet!! 

PD next week. The math girls have let me know what they are up to for PD. English and Social peeps, just let me know here you are focusing. You are able to do this from anywhere in the world. Just let me know if you are on a patio in Spain I'd like to join you!!

Brent is wrapping things up literally! We do thank you Brent for your assistance this year, the crazy numbers this year warranted and intervention, you were the best interventionist ever!!

Tuesday at 4:00 La Crete Learning Store we will have a dinner together in La Crete at Chad's place. Will be nice to connect.

High Level's dinner together is postponed from today to June 23rd. It can happen at my house on the back deck on Wednesday, June 23rd starting at 5:00. We will get food organized. 

June 24th, division virtual meeting- meeting invite will come out. Then you are free as a bird!! Off you go to the stampede!!!!


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