Planting Seeds


When working with the young people

there are times when you will see results in 10 seconds

and there are times you won't see it for 10 years.

Either way, keep planting those seeds of character,

Eventually they bloom. 

This is so true for Outreach! One of our past students stopped me in the store talking about his recent accomplishments. He is apprenticing now! What a victory for a boy who avoided schooling, ghosted us a zillion times and had such low self confidence. He  powered through, and graduated with us. See, we planted the seeds of character and he grew!!! For him, we played the mom role, the dad role, the bossy teacher role, the caring educator role and the get your sh#t together buddy, role. Just so happy he's happy. 


Eva is back with us. We've missed you so and are so happy you are feeling better. 

Bonnie is so missed and we will be checking in on her. Her return date is November 1st we will let you know if that changes. 

I am in this week. 

What Is Happening This Week. 

  • First Aide is happening in High Level on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Floyd will plan two days for La Crete. In the new year he is training in Edmonton all of November. This is short notice for High Level but we have to take him when we get him. 
  • Taxation course happens in La Crete on Wednesday. Thanks Annelise! 
  • High Level has Stupid Things People Do With Their money on Tuesday.Thanks Leah!
  • High Level hosts the University of Calgary Indigenous recruiters at 12:30. 
  • Surveys have been filled out by students and we are designing our Wellness sessions going by this information. November will be our first wellness session. This will go towards credits in Social literacy 25-3. 
  • Student Contacts- Each student has a student advisor, one person who touches base with them. It does not have to be their teacher, it is their advisor, the person who checks to see that they are on track and doing okay. These contacts are integral to relationship building. Make your contacts please. 
  • CRM's next week. Tuesday, November 2nd High Level, 8:30 am. La Crete Thursday, November 4th time to be determined. 
  • CRM actions- There is preparation you must do for a CRM. We always seek a celebration. Please start thinking now, you have a week, when you come to the CRM table you know you are bringing a celebration. This is not a surprise it happens every meeting. Also, actions must be completed by the due date listed. The action is the piece that makes the CRM worth while. Thank you for completing them.  
  • CRM PD today at 3:00 there is PD with Kurtis Hewson on CRM's. Let me know if you'd like to be in on that. We'd like to improve our practice. In High Level we have started using Dossier, we are learning. Thanks Amanda!
  • Check it twice- When you give materials out to students please double check that it is correct. Have you given out the text book, the module book etc... We are having this issue in High Level in Social and English. We will all do a double check, it gets busy, but we have to just slow it down. Make sure what we give out is right, we can frustrate a student and they may never come back to us. 
  • Are you reading the monday memos? This week after you have read this message please send me a quick email that says, " I read it Anne." I will enter you in a draw for a gift card. This has to be sent to me by Tuesday at 4:00 when will announce the winners. One in La Crete one in High Level.  I do owe Dean a gift card form last year, I'll bring it this Thursday. 
  • Clear is kind- Putting due dates on things, communicating times, saying exactly what you want to students and staff is kind. Be clear, that's kind! We are kind people. Leave your grump, your whining, your negativity at home, this is a profession where we just can't let that comsume us and left unchecked, it will. Compliment others, find a positive, make good things happen. Dump the grump there ain't no time for that!  
  • Whmis- each of us has to do the training. I'm not grumpy about that, I'm happy! Soon, I can even look after the hazardous chemicals that are burning on that ship off Victoria. Ha ha. 
  • Many Thanks to Amanda for designing the Learning Store sign. It looks great and really defines our school. Take a peek next time you are in town. We may need a new one in La Crete now. 


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