Sunshine We Need You

 This dose of sunshine will be enjoyed. 

Getting some sun increases your serotonin and helps you stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and sun exposure can also help people with anxiety and depression, especially in combination with other treatments.

What are the benefits of sunlight to humans?

7 Health Benefits of Sunlight
  • Improves your sleep. Your body creates a hormone called melatonin that is critical to helping you sleep. ...
  • Reduces stress. ...
  • Maintains strong bones. ...
  • Helps keep the weight off. ...
  • Strengthens your immune system. ...
  • Fights off depression. ...
  • Can give you a longer life.


Anne is in La Crete on Wednesday hoping to sign report cards then. 

Leah is out Wednesday. 

Thursday is Remembrance day. There is no school for staff or students. There are ceremonies in your communities, they will be televised as well. 

Friday is PD day. All teachers and secretaries work this day. Please be sure to have signs up indicating this. An All call  is great idea as well. 

I am out for three weeks Nov 15th and return Dec 6th. we will go to Nova Scotia to celebrate Steves Dad's birthday, his last day of cheemo and their 66th wedding anniversary. I will also drop in to see my 

Mom who has alzheimers, she will love the visit and so will I. But most of all, my sister, who cares for her daily, will love the freedom to go while we care for mom. Parent teacher interviews will happen the first week of December. We will decide on the form today. 

What Is Happening This week:

  • Diplomas are winding down. Thanks to all who organized them.
  • Results review is due to central office. I will work on that and share it with you. This is a look at our Ed Plan from last year and how we did in relation to achieving our goals. Covid spun things around for us, but we did achieve many things. 
  • Report Cards are due on Wednesday. We'd love for them to be done so you can enjoy your weekend. 
  • Report cards go out on Nov 19th.
  • CRM's - action items are being completed this week. It is amazing how many kids show up when we say their names in CRM's. Students need to be productive. 
  • Thanks to Eva and Leah for organizing the student rewards for the month of October. We are finding it is a great way to get students what they need. Our one student who has very little, got a blanket and she was thrilled. Our student who has poor hygiene recieved some body wash, another who eats at subway everyday got a subway card. A great way to get students what they need. Thank you ladies. 
  • WHMIS must be completed. Friday is a good day for those who are doing PD. Oh also if you have outsatnding cyber courses those could be done too. get it off your to do list. 
  • PD day on Friday- This is your day to catch up, to work on courses, to do what you need to get done. 
  • Construction- we still have a long list of things to get done. We'd love to be out of construction  by Christmas. 
  • Heads Up- Referrals are on line for students. Just log onto the fvsd home page and scroll down to connections team referral forms. Students must know this service is available, perhaps an intervention now stops bigger issues in the future. 
  • When we, as staff, need to talk to an objective person we can contact a school division hired Therapist or you can contact someone on your own. You will always be given time for that, and you don't have to tell us why. You say, " I have an appt Anne." No biggie. We want you to be healthy, mind body and soul. So i will try to stop eating chips and drinking pop for lunch, breakfast  and supper. 
  • Be prepared- Just this morning I had two parent calls, both ladies had three names of family members who have died. The ripple effect is huge. Families in each community are grieving. Just listen to the story. 
  • Inactive letters are going out. You will get calls, that is what the parents are referring to. We will get calls you will need to explain that work must be complete by the date indicated on that letter.


  • An enormous thank you to our own Holly and her late husband Rick who were always instrumental in the running of the Legion in High Level for so many years. Together they ensured Remembrance Day was the holiday it should be; where the efforts of many are recognized and where we work to unite our communities and country. Remembrance Day is an important day! Thanks so much for your efforts Holly and Rick, we remember them well.  


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