Freaky, funky, fidgety Febrauary


Happy Monday, February 14th to you. 

She's ( Miss Febraury) behaving the way we thought she would. Next week I'll add another F word to our title. Let's see which one I pick. 

This is a three day week of teaching. Then teachers have their virtual convention. Hoping this is the last year of virtual convention. Bonnie and Eva have these days off as do support staff. Secretaries take these days off and work two days in the summer months collecting mail, paying bills and organizing. Enjoy the mini break everyone, you deserve a lovely little vacay. 


Crystal is out. She is tending to family. Prayers needed here. 

Amanda is most likely out. Hoping she gets well soon. 

What is Happening 

Diplomas in April are sure to happen. So let's get the sittings in. Look over your students and predict who should be writing. Diplomas are worth 10%. Getting these kids through is a priorty. Next year values will return to 30%. If then can, they should write this year. 

Parent phone calls this week. We are touching base with parents. Surprise!!! Kids lie to their parents and to us. Had two examples of that last week. The one kid says, "My mom can't drive me to school." Mom's jaw drops, " I would drive you to school anytime! What Mom says no to school!!"  The phone calls are needed just to make sure everyone knows what is happening with school. 

Referrals- Please be sure to let me know when you do a referral. Referrals are not going through the way they should and we need to follow up with them. Example one girl has had a referral put in twice and it hasn't reached the team. I am talking with Scot MacKenzie about that today. Just want you to follow through when you make a referral. You might be making many referrals if freaky, fidgety, funky February keeps misbehaving. 

Supports for staff- Our division has an arrangement with Natasha and Willard for couseling services. Everyone in their lifetime will need counseling services, whether you go is your choice. Know that we will assist any way we can with your schedule. We will make it work. If you are looking for other supports I am here. Just drop me an email message, whisper in my ear, text me. We will figure it out, that is what we do, we figure things out. We need you to be healthy. You need you to be healthy. Your family needs you to be healthy. 

Vince McMahon gave me a hug once. I even have the picture!! 

Give this some thought: 

Do you spend your free time being entertained or educated? or a combination of both. Entertained would include netflix, Crave, TV, Tik tok, your phone. Educated may include different types of tik toks, books documentaries, learning a new skill, brain stretcher activities, balancing your finances or calling your Mom. Moms, educate us all the time. Are you being educated or entertained? Different muscles in the brain are excercised when we choose educated. 


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