Come on Spring


Come on Spring... we need you to show up early this year. 

We welcome Crystal back after the passing of her ex husband, and great friend, Stewart McAteer. Her message to us all is to make sure your documents and wills are in order. Check the beneficiaries. Every five years those documents need to be revisited. It can be catastrophic for your family, if those things are not in order. I'm making our appoinment with the lawyer today. Thanks for the information Crystal, we learn things through adversity. 


We are all in this week. Yeah!! I can't recall when that happened last! Feels so good. You are missed when you are not here. 

There are 19 school days until we have our school's Spring break. Other schools down south are starting their Spring breaks this week and next week. Ours begins April 14th. 

We are very thankful to Mike for the break he built into our calendar last week. We are refreshed and ready to give our all the next four weeks. 

Anne's schedule- In all this week and off a few days next week just don't know which days yet. 

What's Happening

Education Assurance survey- AKA accountability survey. 

We it is that time of year agian. Our students, teacehrs and parents are asked to comeplete this survey. Drives me crazy that support staff are not included...The deadline for this survey is to be completed is April 1st. I will send out the link information and will have a few people in each location take on the responsibilty for  it. 

Alternative Education meetings in  La Crete and High Level take place on Tuesday and Thursday. The principal's of the three alternative programs are presenting to parents the choices they have. Hopes are that we will garner more registrations from families deciding what to do next year. Staff are welcome to come if you like. I value your time and don't require you to be in attendance this night. 

Next Monday High Level starts their  Community Helpers programming. 

First aide is on April 13th and 14th, we will try to get as many HLLS kids in as possible but there may be openings for LCLS students. We will let you know. 

Mike McMann and Sara welcomed their third baby Joseph William on March 17th. He is a gorgeous healthy baby boy. Congratulations to the McMann family. 

New registrations- please be sure to look to be if the new registrant has a code. We can't miss this process.

Dual students the other way- a reminder that our students can take courses from the high schools. perhaps you have a girl interested in welding and they offer it, we can register her in that course. Just a nice reminder...

Asynchronous courses- Friday I will meet with Scot and Karen about courses variopus teachers will be teaching on line. These courses will be offered to the students in small schools and our kids. An example might be; social 20 taught virtually each day in quad four by a Rainbow Lake teacher. He teaches 4 kids in Rainbow, 3 in Firt , 5 in Rocky, 3 in HlLLS and 4 in LCLS. This is a great opportunity for kids top comlete a course quickly. More info is coming. 

Thinking outside the box- Why do we do what we do? Ask yourself why you are an educator. Ask not once but five times.... You will get to the root of why you come to work everyday at an Outreach School. this is a cool exercise. A cool thing happening in High Level today is that Leah is helping a student get her SIN number. All the paperwork is done and she has appilied for it. She didnt have a birth certificate either. These things are necessities of life we can assist and play the role of a parent when there isnt one. Thanks Leah for thinking outside the box. 

Diplomas- April 4- 12th. - diplomas are a go. This will be the first time in ages!! Diplomas are worth 10% until year end. Please check the schedule and organize supervision. I will start a document as we used to do. 

Important Dates- We have solidified the impoortant dates for our schools. Dates such as the last day we start a grad level core course- May 6th. The date all grads have to have  all courses 80% complete, the date all courses must be complete and the grad date. Signs should be posted and reminders said to students. This next four weeks arte our power weeks where we haven't lost them yet. We know they come in less when the weather is gorgeous. 

Computer needs- I will be asking for two/three laptops for each location to run labs on. Do we have any other tech needs? If so i would like to include them in my request this week. The cost for these items comes from the pooling of money this year for tech resources. Schools do not hold this money any longer. 


  1. My best strategy, especially in Spring, is to declutter. I find it gives me something to focus on, and gives me time to consider what direction Im going, and of course, frees up space in my home.

  2. My best strategy is to sit still for 10-15 minutes. One way I have done this recently is going for a snowmobile ride, turning the key off and sitting in the woods and having a coffee. No technology, no commitments, just sit still. More difficult than you may think!

  3. My best strategy for being productive on weekends is putting on my inside shoes right after my first cup of coffee in the morning. Sets my day to get up and go... whether it be laundry/organizing/cleaning etc. Oh and Lists! I even write down things I have already completed so I have a little win right off the bat :)

  4. I love walking and over the past few months, I got away from it. Not motivated and not a fan of the cold weather. I seem to have got some of my motivation back, started walking. My goal is doing my regular routine of 8kms, after school. During these walks, i enjoy the scenery, listen to my favorite music and call family and friends. Its a productive 80 minutes.

  5. I go to the gym 4 days a week right after work, get monthly massages, line dance with friends Monday night and go to Zumba class Wednesday evening. Dance is by far my favorite :)


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