I AM.....

Whatever comes after I am..... will find you! 

One of Joel Osteen's sermons included this idea: Whatever follows “I am…” will find you.  That is, when you’re thinking of yourself and you’re assigning adjectives to who you are, bear in mind that those states will find you and define you.  Or, stated another way, this is the reality about yourself you’ve already created and are continuing to create.

Here are some statement you might want to use to define you. 

I am beautiful.
I am confident.
I am secure.
I am blessed.
I am talented.
I am smart.
I am disciplined.
I am vibrantly healthy.
I am a contribution.
I am at peace.
I am connected to God.
I am approved 
I am powerful.
I am aware.
I am grateful.
I am wealthy.
I am solid.
I am here now.
I am good with numbers.
I am without armor.
I am brave.
I am victorious.
I am a brilliant spark of God.
I am strong.
I am a good decision maker.
I am focused.
I am excited about my future!
I am excited about my present!
I am having fun!

Now this fellow is a pastor and whatever your beliefs you can grab on to a piece of this wisdom and know that when you say things about yourself you need to be kind to yourself and not self deprecate. .. How wonderful to teach this idea to kids too.....

We are THANKFUL....

We are so thankful to our social committee for organizing a lovely end of the year party. Thank you for the fun! 

Thanks to the Dempster family. Yours is the perfect welcoming home and you both are the ultimate host/s. Thanks!

Thanks to Kim B who organized track and field and took over 40 kids with her. Kids loved their time away and enjoyed the adventure. 

Thanks so much to staff for honoring me and Shelly and Hannah and Andrew on Friday. Excel gum allowed us to keep it together!! We feel so appreciated and loved. Thank you! 

Thanks to Debbie and her resiliency  team for the cool kites we saw flying on Sunday. It was just the wind you ordered!! So many families enjoyed that activity!!! So cool. Thank you! 

Thanks to Tasha, Janelle, Susan and great salesman Marc for their time selling Chilliwack T -shirts, cd's and drum sticks. Susan's grade sixes got $150.00 for doing that. The money will go to the beautification of the area in between the post office and the old Marc's. 

We are thankful Leone is starting tomorrow. There is so much to learn and such little time to learn it in. But who better to teach than Shelly! 

We are thankful that we will have a new VP announced by Wednesday. Interviews are Monday morning at the Mirage. We wish best of luck to all interviewing. 


Shane is out Monday morn for VP interviews.

Kim is out Monday morning. In for one class.  

Sheila is out Monday- Evelyn is in. 

Amy is out Tuesday and Wednesday?/ Evelyn is in Tuesday- Nikkita on Wednesday. 

Susan Valyne and I are out with patrollers for a bit on Wednesday pm for lunch and fun.  

Shane is out Wednesday am- Evelyn is in. 

Gillian is out Friday- no sub yet maybe Evelyn?

Tina is out Friday- Andrew's momma is coming in for her. 


Transitions so many happening this week. 

Tuesday Pm- Shane and the new VP will go visits the Grade fours at FMCS. 

After school Tuesday the teachers will meet with the F.M.C.S teachers to learn more about our up and coming students. 3:45 to 5:00. 

Tuesday evening is our open house for the new kiddies coming to grade four. 

Wednesday after school is the grade sixes meeting with HLPS teachers after school at SNCS. 

Grade six families  have a transition evening at HLPS at 7:00. 

LLi finishes this Friday. They will have a nice little wind down year end party. LLi people come see me and i will give you your budget for that!!

Grade six PATS From Wednesday on. We all know the protocol now.  All fours and fives go to the playground by way of the parking lot and stay far away from the school while the grade sixes are refusing to be labelled as average. 

Many tests in all grades this week. But of luck to the kiddies writing them. remember we don't build anxiety in kids when these are coming up we show them ways to be prepared and keep calm. 

Airbands- Will we be organized this year???? Kids are organizing the bands but will we have one in it??? Please send your ideas our way we would love to hear them. 

Field trips - please be sure you are prepared for them. Bus requests, food ordered, notes home???? 

No hot lunches this week. Grubb Tubb and Thursday is Subway and Friday is BP. 

Report cards are due Monday. If you are done please feel free to give them to Shane and I. 



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