Give Them What They Need Not What They Want

I'm reading a book called "Katie's Kisses," about a nineteen year old who goes to Uganda to teach kindergarten and ends up adopting 5 little girls. She speaks about the fact her adopted girls have real toys, but they prefer to play with garbage; old pill bottles, boxes, ribbons, string and brown bags. So she let's them, because that is what they need to do. As I read that touching book of her providing for over 104 orphans, I thought what can I do. There I was lying in my comfortable bed,  and I said to myself "some..... day............. I'll do something... " Then the phone rang. I couldn't believe it, it was Canadian Feed the Children, asking for a donation to provide food to needy children in Africa. What amazing that timing!!! The time for me to help was now. 

Katie taught me to give others what they need, not what they want. The addicted guy at Extra Foods wanted money from me but  that's not what he needed... so I pulled out a banana form my bag and said, " here you go,  Sir." He still wanted money, but he ate the banana.  He got what he needed, not what he wanted.

When we think of our kids, we know they need to graduate. They may not want to put in the work... but we know a certificate/diploma is what they need, so we make sure that everything is in place for that to happen. We teach them, there is a difference between what we want and what we need. 

Thank yous

Thanks to Petra, Darren and Alex who supervised diplomas this week. Approximately 12 students wrote last week. It's a big deal for these students. 

Thanks to our custodians in each location. We appreciate all they do. Please be sure to thank them when you see them. Julie is the custodian in Fort, thanks for what you do Julie. 

Thanks for letting people know that we have several jackets, mitts etc... for families available at the High Level Learning Store. 

Thanks to Mark for attending the parent council meeting in Zama on Wednesday. the parents are great there, they are very involved. Thanks as well to Mark for sitting in on conversations with the psychologist on Friday. 


I believe everyone is with us this week. Yeah!!!!

My schedule this week  Monday High Level 
Tuesday Rainbow- 
Wednesday Remembrance day 
Thursday- Fort am for a breakfast with community at 8:00. 
Friday High Level/ Zama kids are in town- so lunch with the kiddies and Mark. 

I will be away next week. For the first time in 31 years I have combined my three personal days with my 2 days in lieu to go to Orlando with Steve ( he has a conference with the bank) . He's a type one diabetic and letting him go anywhere without a babysitter, opps, I mean a person to travel with, is a very bad idea. We were going to have fun travelling in Florida after the conference, but now we will be rushing to Halifax to see Steve's dad who was just diagnosed with a form of cancer CLL Leukemia. He's not doing well, so we are going to support them and talk to doctors.  


Forestry Education meeting this Tuesday at 7:00 at FMCS. . If you are interested in this committee let me know. 

Report cards go out this Friday. Teachers will be printing off their own report called individual student report for each students and each course. It notes the progress of each student up to last Fridays date. Please be sure to be in R1. It's important to print for the correct period. I would like to sign all report cards before they go out please. So hand them in to me whenever you can. I am in La Crete Thursday pm. There is an expectation that you will comment on the students' progress.

La Crete has parent teacher interviews on the week of Nov 16-20. High Level will do home visits the week of Nov 23-27. We are going to deliver fruit baskets. 

Medical Expo happens on November 19th. This is an great opportunity to learn about the medical field. 

Christmas Crates are being delivered to families in need being and put together by High Level Learning Store students. We are collecting food items, used books and toys. This is a chance for us to look after people in our own communities who need assistance. 

Budgets have been submitted. Reports done. Results review happens the 23rd of November. I will be in Fort that day to talk to the trustees about our schools. 

La Crete Learning store is being painted soon. Hopes are it will happen this week. 

Remembrance day ceremonies- there are ceremonies at schools in each area. If one of the staff members wants to take willing kids over to take in the ceremonies you are welcome to do that. If you can't take in a ceremony please watch this video. 

They fought so we could smile just as  these two are!!!!


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