Thank You Snow

Thank you snow, for patiently waiting for the kids to trick or treat, then dumping on us. 

My story. The cutest little princess came to my door on her own, while Mom and dad waited on the sidewalk. What a chatty royale!! She started saying how cute my puppies were, talked about the candy I put in her bag. She then looked in my living room window, looked up at me and asked," What's the score of the ball game?"

Of course Steve was watching the world series and obviously Princess has been watching with her dad too. Soooo cute!


I believe we are all here this week. Great!

I am in High Level on Monday. Tuesday morning High Level for the diploma then Rainbow in the PM. High Level am Wednesday, Zama on Wednesday pm. La Crete and Fort on Thursday, in High Level Friday at F.M.C.S. for late morning to meet with Psychologist about the Zama kids. 

Events/ Items of Note

Clocks set back. Loved that hour, did throw us off a bit, we had supper ready at 3:30. 

Diplomas all week. Please ensure the security of these tests. I can secure from this location, but you'll have to make sure they are locked up at all times in other locations and keys kept with you. Thank you.

Each location has people writing with the exception of Rainbow. Please be sure to call me if there are any questions about the diplomas. 780 841 2934.

Zama has two students having psych assessments this Friday in High Level. 

Zama has a parent council meeting on Wednesday night at 6:30. I will be attending that. First parent council meeting in three years. Cool!

Thursday Northern Lights Forestry Education Society has a meeting. If you are interested in being part of this society. Please let me know. They meet about every six weeks.  This group is responsible for the trail system at Footner, Science Education to kids in Schools and educating about  our forests. 

Bonnie has started the on line auction. It is really cool, new items pop up all the time. Such a great cause and such a fun idea. We all know Bonnie is brilliant and now we get to play along with her as funds are raised for the Crie du Chat society. ( excuse my spelling here) 

PGP meetings- the last of the meetings will take place this week  with teachers. 

We Day was a hit with our High Level and Rainbow kids. Next year we will start earlier , have our own tickets and invite more students from all regions. 

Compliment- Warm Winter Wear campaign was talked about and touted at the Parent Link meeting I attended last Friday night. They spoke about it three times. I had a chance to celebrate the work of everyone who has been bringing coats, organizing them and getting them to the families. She even mentioned that there was a lady who went out and bought snow suits for little ones. Holly thank you for that. 

Reports cards are due to be handed out on November 13th. Interviews will follow that from the 16-20th. 


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