The Magic Happens All Around Us

Where the magic happens...

So Steve's conference took us to Disney World for three days. He learned that everything is manipulated there. No visible tattoos allowed, staff are trained and trained and trained. There motto is:" to go over an above expectations." Disney World is a pretty special place. They've designed it to be a" perfect world." No garbage, everyone is so kind, magic happens all around you. Employees are called "cast members." It is almost perfect... What they can't control are the parent children interactions and the tantrums. So... perfect can't be achieved, the people factor stops that from happening. Thank goodness... otherwise you'd feel like you were in the Truman Movie or the Stepford movie. The magic does happen there... but kids and parents also cry there, have fits there and are normal there. Thank goodness for normal. 

We love our normal. Some kids come in to school some don't. Some kids grab materials and we never see them again. Some kids do three courses at once. Some days are quiet some days are loud. Some days have people visiting in and out,out and in. Some days we are on our game, some days we aren't. Normal is good, and thank goodness each of you go over and above in your jobs. The staff at Zama and at the learning Stores is incredible. To you, students come first, you encorage and prod and make successes happen. You are flexible, because you have to be. You are invested, because you have to be.  Thank you for being an excellent staff. Our kids are sooo lucky to have you as " cast members" in their lives!


Congrats to Bonnie and her team of her sisters and Gaye for putting on the coolest fundraiser I have ever seen. What a success for the Cri Du Chat foundation and for our community. I know your team breathed a sigh of relief when it was all done but i hope you all raised your hands in triumph! Turner should be so proud of his mamma , aunties and Gaye. 

Cheers for Holly and Bonnie who planned another fundraiser for our learning Store breakfast program. They provide a service to our community, plus assist our kids. That's another cool fundraiser!!! You ladies are brilliant. 

Congratulations to Mark P. I have had two separate people come up to me to tell me what a wonderful a job they think he is doing in Zama. Wow, what a compliment. And he is doing a great job managing eight kids in five grades. Thank you Mark.

Thanks To You

Thanks to Alex and Petra who attended the careers trip to Edmonton. We appreciate your time and were glad you could see the venues our kids may attend upon graduating. 

Thanks so much to Eric who filled in for me while I was away. His calm demeanor is exactly what is needed.  I appreciate all you did Eric. 

Thanks to Jenine who is helping out Rainbow school. They were in a bind and she assisted. That's how communities work. We appreciate her amazing flexibility. 

Thanks to Janet who got the Class Size survey done. It's painful but she got it to me and now we won't see it again for another year. 

Thanks to Paul for trying to get those boys onto the simulator. We will watch this team to see how they fare. They are so excited and Paul will help them through it. 

Thanks to Alex and Darren who did parent teacher interviews last week. This Tuesday Petra and Eric and I will do interviews. 

Thanks  to Eva and Julie for continuing to think of special courses our kids can take. We will go over our list at staff meeting an solidify it for next year. 


So glad it is a full week. We need it. 

I am in High Level today. La Crete and Fort Tuesday. Wednesday is an LTM. Thursday I'm in GP for a medical appointment. Hoping to tour some Outreach schools on Friday. If we need anything picked up in GP just let me know, we can fill the vehicle up to the brim. 

In my book I have everyone else in this week. 


December 11th is staff meeting day. It will start at 10:00. We will do a cool lunch activity then break into groups to do some activities including diploma prep, revision of student recognition, review ed plans, planning for the move etc... 

Staff Party December 11th. We are asking that no kids come unless Mommy is nursing, then babe is so welcome. We want you to enjoy a relaxing evening, I am a mom, I know having the kids there is not relaxing for you. You deserve a night to be pampered and treated well. Not sure of the start time. It will be fun and you will enjoy a lovely meal with super company. Book your hotels now and hand us the receipt please. Gift exchange each person participating in the exchange brings a gift up to $30. That is tons of fun too. 

So cool. Madalyn from HLLS  wrote a letter to the Superintendent about our move to the Daycare. It was so well written and her voice was heard. That's what we want our kids to do. We want them to participate in their education. 

Student recognition. Thanks you to those who are giving out success bucks and tickets to the kids. We will review this program at the staff meeting and tweak it if it needs tweaking.  

Both schools in High Level - FMCS on December 16 and HLPS on December 14th are looking for help supervising at lunch time. They have their power lunches with Roger and the central office team. I am hoping to help out both days. Its a great way to get to know kids  who may some day be our kids. Please let me know if you want to help out you will still get your lunch hour but will supervise the kids from about 11:45 to 12:35. 

Zama City School is advertising for a special needs assistant. The closing date is December 9th. At the moment Nicole Muzichuk is subbing in as the educational assistant. 

Have a magical week!


  1. The most magical thing this time of year is the anticipation in my children's eyes! They anticipate Santa, the holiday, the presents, and the family visits! Love it!

  2. There is a little more magic happening this year than last as we prepare our home for Christmas. Our baby is at that age (15 months) where she makes more of a mess than help when we decorate! We love it, but baby's magic means more work for us...


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