Long Weekend


Here's a look at the trail sign on the Fortner Trails by the airport. We've been working on this for three years already. Check it out!!

In High Level this morning, we were doing a landscaping session with students from High Level Public and our HLLS students. Students learned about plants and growth regions. They also learned they can take something that looks like nothing and make it look great. They worked hard painting, moving wood and fertilizing. Tomorrow they will continue with their work designing landscapes and will build raised planters for seniors to access. So much more than just planting and work going on... they are chatting away and putting their designs down on the computer. Set them free and they might surprise you.

* An aside- did you know many of those kids didn't even know the name of the kid they had been in class with for 6 weeks. That is so ridiculous. I hope that doesn't happen in our schools. Kids should know who is who.  

 Thank yous

Thanks to Eva for arranging coverage while Alex was away. 
Thanks to Julie for coming in for Google training on Thursday. 
Thanks to Alex  and Julie for arranging meetings with Fort Public and La Crete Public. 
Thanks to John Thurston for arranging an amazing field trip to the ponds for the Zama kids. John said to pass along a thank you to Mark for helping out so much. 
Thanks to Gail a great gathering of people at the Student Advisory Meeting. many people from organizations throughout our area met and shared ideas. 

Thanks to many community people who worked on the High level trails for 6 hours on Saturday. Here's a picture of Marissa from Norbord. 


La Crete staff are off today. They have a PD day tomorrow. Hope they enjoyed!!
Eric and Petra are going to La Crete to work on courses tomorrow. Crystal and Cathy are in to cover for them. 
Darren and I are out Friday. I have a day in lieu from the days I worked during the Spring break. I am going to get wedding stuff done in Kelowna with Kelsey.  

Anne's schedule: 

Monday High Level doing landscaping session.
TuesdayAM  High Level doing Construction and plant propagation. PM Principal's meeting
Wednesday- HIgh Level morning PD Mental Health. Rainbow PM. Hope to meet with Stephanie and Kevin re: duals.  
Thursday- am  Completion of construction and plant propagation session with students at HLLS. Pm staff meeting. 


John Thurston on the trails

Instruction and Programming

Thursday at 2:00. We will have a short staff meeting using Google hangouts. 
MarK will come in from Zama at about 3:00 and I will go over Zama Ed Plan with him then. 

Friday in High Level is a PD day for Petra, Eric  and MarK they get to carry on improving their courses. Educational assistants you get to enjoy the day of freedom!!!

http://goo.gl/forms/3iN9GxLWUSU9KWxD2 This is the link for people who want to attend High Level's grad ceremony. 

Also, please remember the awards dinner next Friday night. Everyone is welcome to come. I hope you will. We will pay for your ticket. The meal is great and Eva is being celebrated!! Please let Bonnie know if you are coming and haven't already arranged things with her. 

Grad due dates are coming up please let students know what your important dates are. 

Walking club please send your numbers to me so I can submit them. So far for us it is Eva, Darren and I. Nicole has about 5000 people walking with her in Zama. They really ROCK this challenge!! 

Chickens in Zama are about about 1 week away from hatching!! I hope someone is watching them over the long weekend or we'll have fried chicken. 

Image result for baby chicken pictures

Budgets have been submitted. We will look at them again in September when student counts are in. 

That's it everyone.




  1. We candled the eggs with our students last week and saw the babby chicks moving inside the eggs! So cool!

  2. Can't wait to see these babies!!


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