Happiness Huh???

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If you haven't watched the film, " Hector and the Search For Happiness," please take an hour and a half to watch it. You get to follow a psychiatrist's journey to find happiness. 

Tom Brady is especially happy this morning! That was an epic game yesterday. He is the poster child for staying calm and cool. He just knows things will work in his favor. Not in my favor, as I was tied for third in my football pool and was demoted to fourth!! 

Hoping your weekend was excellent. Let's make this five days excellent as well. If students poured in on this week, so much could get done.

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All schools, even Zama, are completing the Our School Surveys.I will do them in Zama tomorrow when I am there. Parents will have a chance to complete the surveys in mid February. If any parents come in i will have surveys printed off. Please ask them to complete it and put their name in the draw for gift cards. 

Asking for prayers/well wishes/ mindful thoughts for one our students whose dad hasrecently been diagnosed with lung cancer. There are many children in this family who need their dad. Send vibes of wellness her dad's way. Things like this put our whining and complacency in perspective.   

Reports cards/progress reports go out on Friday the 10th. 

Parent Council Meeting in Zama this Tuesday at 6:30. 

Pink T shirts will be ready on Friday. We are hoping everyone will wear Pink to promote kindness in our schools. Pink day for us in Wednesday, February 22nd. 

High Level Learning Store has a Wing Ding on Tuesday at 10:30. The topic of this information is fitting for Valentine's Day- Healthy Relationships. 

Teacher's Convention- Lunch each day at the restaurant in the Doubletree hotel. Bring your spouses, buddies, pals if you like. It's not nice seeing people left out on this day. We accept stragglers. 

Teachers our school division has been selected as one to complete and international survey. Those surveys will be coming soon to us. As educators we realize the significance of research in advancing our profession. This survey simply asks for your impressions. All selected school's teachers are filling them out. 

Friday- Google Pd in High Level- for those who want Sharon for ten minutes or so. I am using her to assist me with recreating our leave of absence form. Any questions or queries you have on this day just ask Sharon. 

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Thank yous to all of You

Great day of PD last Tuesday. Thanks for looking up locally developed courses. We now have added Reading 15  and 25 and Learning Strategies 15, 25 , 35 to our list of course options. 

Thanks to all who rallied to and continue to rally to get our kids to fill out the OUR SCHOOL survey. The last day in This Friday. 

High Level Learning Store has earned a free lunch for signing up tons of kids on My Pass. It was a great way to start conversation with our students and to empower them to look at their marks and credit summaries. 

Thanks to Marc Pelley for taking in Robotics Pd. He will be offering this course to students in Zama. 

Thanks to Eric an Paul who have begun a Wood Burning CTS course. I am seeing some really cool things being created. 

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This is Dani's last week. We thank her for all she has done and in that short amount of time it was a lot!! Our last day to accept resumes in this Wednesday. 

Anne's Schedule

Monday- High level
Tuesday- Zama all day
Wednesday- Leadership meeting in Fort
Thursday- La Crete/Fort
Friday- High Level- meeting with Sharon Barrett

Jenine is out Thursday pm in Rainbow. 

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Enjoy your week!



  1. Thanks for all the positive energy Anne. We got this. Smiling automatically sends your body into Happy Mode so SMILE and Create a HAPPY WAVE ~~~~


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