Things Always Get Better In The End

 Image result for stuart mclean family

I listened to a Stuart Mclean tribute show on CBC radio, while driving back from convention. He always emphasised that the world was a good place full of good people trying to do their best. What a great way to put it. He would give out Arthur awards for people who just do ordinary things that make a difference. people like the transit drive who picked up people in his " not in service bus" when a warm Spring Day turned into a blizzard. The awards are named after Dave and Morley's trusty dog Arthur. mclean thought the most important kudos need to be for the ordinary things we do everyday. So, Kudos to you all for:

Waking up min the morning
feeding your pets
stopping at stop signs
talking to your kids
taking out the garbage
changing the toilet paper roll before it runs out
leaving the last cookie for someone else
noticing the beauty and weirdness everywhere

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Busy Week 

P/T interviews and Parent Surveys in High Level on Thursday and La Crete on Wednesday. We are serving appetizers and families have a chance to win $50 gift certificates. Parent surveys must be completed by Friday. We need as many as we can get. The more data the better. 

Tuesday, Michael Stalker starts his position at our Learning Store. He has an Arts degree and is hoping to start law school in the fall but is happy to be working with us until the end of June. Michael himself has taken a course or two from the Learning Store, so he knows what we are all about. We are excited to have him on board with us. I will be out there Tuesday and Wednesday giving him the training he needs. 

Wednesday is free lunch day for the High Level Learning Store because they signed up sooo many kids on Mypass.

Garden Towers are going to be going in all locations that have one. Now is the perfect time to get them going. 

Locally developed courses- Please continue to locate your locally developed course you were assigned in staff meeting. I will be calling around Tuesday looking for my courses. we have reading and Learning Strategies to offer our students. 

Zama kids will be working on Science Fair. 

P/T interviews are next week in Zama. 

Central Office staff come to High Level on Monday, February 27th for just a short visit. They will be coming to visit all schools more often, Once every two months. We love that they get to see what we are doing! 

March 17th PD day- Everyone is expected to come to this PD day. Central office will be treating us to lunch. Support staff may take another day is lieu of this one. We need to do it this way as we can never get our crew together. 

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Tuesday- Fort training Michael.
Wednesday- Fort morning- lacrete pm and for PT interviews in the evening
Thursday- Inclusive ed coordinators meeting in Fort- Will open school with Michael then go to meeting. 
Friday- High Level- I have a meeting with a mystery person at 1:00pm. I wish I would put more detail in my calendar sometimes. 

I don't have anyone listed as being away this week. 

Please use the form I sent you to ask for any days off. Bonnie is directly linked to the form so it will be so easy for her to do absences using this method. The form is in your shared files under staff absence leave request. 

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Thanks so Much

Thanks to teachers for their time at convention. It only takes one spark to make it a great convention and and Mrs. Bearhead did it for me! 

Thanks so much to our custodians who came in over the break. Stuart McLean who say you are unsung heroes, me too! 

Thanks to Bonnie for coming in and getting some important things done. You know Stuart McLean would love to have heard Bonnie's stories. 

Thanks so much for relaxing and looking after yourself. We are so happy to have you back safely in Zama and at the Learning Stores. 

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