So Cool!

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Wow, what we learn when we just take a minute to chat with our kids. 

What I learned this week:

  • one student is planning on moving to Kelowna to pursue his education
  • one student thinks he found his biological Dad this week. He just did DNA testing
  • one student is moving to Bolivia
  • one student is getting a new phone as hers was left outside
  • another student is applying to University of Alberta and U BC for engineering
  • another student is applying for bursaries
  • one student registered with us after going to Amiskwaciy School. He loved that school as they had a cultural focus.
If you just sit there long enough they start to talk. So much going on with our students.

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Compliments to You

I met with central office staff on Thursday for my evaluation and they asked me to pass on compliments to you all as staff. They said thank you for filling out the direct report survey on me. They appreciate you taking the time to give lots of valuable information. They also complimented you all on the very valuable work you do with kids. That's a really cool compliment. That's why I wrote it down to share with you. They know you all do valuable work. 

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Staffing- So glad the nasty cold seems to be leaving High level alone for now! Hoping no one else gets it, not nice at all. 


Monday- in GP for a family medical day- just got the call on Thursday
Tuesday- High Level
Wednesday- Rainbow Lake am/ HL pm
Thursday- La Crete/Fort
Friday- Zama-

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Blogger response to the frame: I'd rather have a cold than....the winners of a cool thing that isn't a Tim's gift card are: Nicole, Jenine and Darren. I will deliver these items personally to each of you. Thanks for having fun with that!

Zama students are busy with Science Fair. They travel to Rainbow on March 15th.  

Triple Bucks days are happening at Learning Stores. We are trying to get kids excited about completing work. March is our month to get things done. 

Drumming is happening in High Level on Tuesday and Thursday.

Soap making is happening in High Level on Tuesday as well. 

La Crete is having a first aide session for students on March 13 and 14. High level session will be organized for either 22,23 or 29, 30. 

Accommodations need to be submitted to Alberta Ed ASAP. Please check to see who is writing and what accommodations they need.

Each school should have a digital writing form on the go for their diploma writers. 

March 17th Pd day- All staff are expected to be in High Level that day. We will give a day in lieu for support staff. Lunch will be provided by central office at 11:30.

Work on it- We are hoping to defer our staff meeting on April 13th to Tuesday from 3:30 to 4:30 April 11th so staff can leave at 2:00 on Thursday. Just hoping to get you out on the road during daylight hours.

Great News- La Crete is getting a little make over. They have okay ed new flooring and hopes are a few other value added things. Plus a camera.

That's it for our Blog. Remember you make your own weather.

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  1. While I am thinking of this, I must say that when I walked in to the Learning Store on Thursday and was met with the sound and rhythm of the drumming - my soul sang. What an opportunity being brought to our male students.


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