It's Okay to Have Bad Days

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I had to reassure myself that it is okay to have a bad day when flying back from Toronto. 
Firstly, my flight was delayed in leaving, which meant I would miss my connector to GP.  Steve had to drive to Edmonton in the rain to get me. Next, I got on the plane and a very tall very intimidating man was sitting in my window seat. I get it,  planes are small and he just wouldn't fit in the center but I would! I sat pretzeled  in the middle, but maybe this wouldn't be so bad... I was so ready to chow down on my wine gums and potato chips, (food calms me),  when the passenger to the left of me sat down. He was the guy in the restaurant who already witnessed me eating a whole plate of gravy covered poutine and drinking a tall, light colored brew!! Crap! I then listen to how he has climbed Mount Kilimanjaro and has run 38 marathons around the world, he is doing his 39th next week. The Boston Marathon was one of his favorites as well as the one he ran in Switzerland. Thank you for tell me all that Mr. Perfect! 
When I land, West Jet tells me I have to pay $105 because the plane was delayed. It wasn't their fault the plane was delayed, that was Toronto Airports fault. The 6 km taxi ride cost $39. Hotel cost $187.  
You know it's okay to have a bad day, just sit back and enjoy the ride, it'll cost ya!!!
 (Note: wine gums do make it better) West Jet is not off the hook yet, I'm composed today. I'm not letting them keep my money. 

Hoping you had some fun adventures on your holiday. 

Let's celebrate the fact diplomas are done! Report cards are done. We are on our last leg of school and will wrap the year up just as nicely as we began it. 

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Events/ instruction and Programming

Report cards go out this Friday.

Grads should be working extra hard to get the credits they need to graduate. They should know where they stand. Bursaries are available for grads. They need to chat with you to find out what funds are out there. 

PAT tests are coming in. Grade nine students are completing them. If there are exceptions we had had a conversation already. 

Priority Funding Proposals- They are due to central office by this Friday. Learning Stores and Zama will put in a request for funds. Mark can you think of a need in Zama??

Capital Plans are Due to central on Friday- If you can think of us purchasing large ticket items in the future please let me know as we will at it to this capital plan.

Budget is due this Wednesday. Both budgets need to be balanced and handed in. We are on par with our budgets this year. 

Year End Awards. We'd love to see you all there. We pay for your ticket. You only have to pay for your spouses/friends ticket. 

This month Zama will be finalizing their field trip to Grande Prairie. 

Zama has a performer coming in on May 25th. 

Post Secondary Expo is happening on Monday, May 8th. Posters will be coming out soon. 

We present to the board at the end of May. They want the data from the Learning Stores and some stories of successes. Let me know if you have an ideas for this. 

La Crete Learning Store starts it's reno today. It will be awful, it always is, but the result will more than make up for the inconvenience for two weeks. Painting was supposed to take place last week. Floors and storage room redo this week. 

New blinds will be ordered for the HLLS this week.

I got a cool thing for the Rainbow Learning Store on my travels. 

Fort Learning Store will have a meeting with the high School sometime in the next two weeks. 


Please let me know of any potential personal days etc... June is a tough month around our schools and students need you at that time. Plan ahead please.

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Get Well Soon to our Nicole who was operated on last week. She's a strong girl but this has been a tough recovery. She will stay in St. Albert for another week to recover. Shelby Roberts will be subbing for Nicole for the week.
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Anne's Schedule

Monday- High Level- Expo meeting
Tuesday- La Crete- Blast students arrive this day
Wednesday- High Level- Budget due
Thursday- Fort Am.
Friday- Zama

Nicole is out for six weeks.
Holly is out on Wednesday.
Bonnie is out on Friday.
Mark is out on Friday. He is picking up Jonathan from College in Calgary. Wow, time flies. 

Enjoy your week Next Monday we say hello to May. Hard to believe. 
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