You Deserve a Break in Four Days

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There is plenty of report card work to be done before we start our holiday, but it will be well worth it. 

Sounds weird, but when I was a full time teacher I liked report card time. ( there were only three reporting periods then)(hated being away from my family for days and days) but It gave me time to wrap my head around the growth of each student academically and socially. 
The reports took forever to do, as we had classes of 25-28 kids who each required several paragraphs of comments. However, we felt confident that we knew each child well and were content to compliment, comment and assess. It's report card time, a time to assist our students in being the best students they can be.( getting to graduation)

Condolences to Mark, a student he taught at the Christian school passed away early last week. Our hearts reach out to the family, the community, the school and to you Mark. 

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Monday- In Rainbow reading a test to a student - AM
Tuesday/ Wednesday- La Crete doing Easter Eggs
Thursday- Zama for the morning- I have Easter egg treats for the kids. 

Then your holiday begins. Find your calm and enjoy 

I'm at home doing this.... from memory I don't have anyone out this week. Oh yes, Eva is out for an appointment one day just can't recall which one. 

Darren works Thursday am not pm. 

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Event/ Instruction/ Programming

  • FVSD merit awards- IF you believe Zama City or Learning Stores are eligible for an award just go ahead and fill out the form. We'd appreciate the compliment.
  • Priority Funding- proposals need to come into me and we will prioritize them. This is free money and they are trying to give some to each school. The count Learning Stores as one school, Zama as one school. The funds we receive must be spent by the end of June. 
  • Eric will go to Rainbow on Thursday to supervise a physics exam for a student. OTherwise we will be done Diplomas Monday pm.
  • May 8th Postsecondary Expo- This is a great opportunity for our students to listen to recruiters from Colleges and Universities in Alberta. 
  • Report cards go out on April 21st. I will be signing La Crete's on Wednesday. 
  •  Adventure Camp is available to all grade nine, ten and eleven students. Please be sure to recruit kids who would benefit form this experience. 
  • No details on Summer school yet. I'll keep you posted. 
  • Zama's new student is fitting in well. He is very academic so he will do great.  I get to meet him this Thursday. 
  • Staff meeting happens on Tuesday at 4:00 for High Level. Zama and Rainbow will have theirs over lunch hour when I go to your schools this week. 
  • First aide will be offered in High Level at the end of April early May.
  • Do you have students you believe need assessments. Please let me know and I will add him/her to our assessment list. 
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Thanks so much to you

Thanks to Darren and Alex for using their muscle power and moving the furniture around in La Crete. It looks great.

Huge Thanks to Gail who has such patience with us. Our students were busy studying on Tuesday so we had to delay the presentation. We love having her in our building, her ideas are so cool. 

Thanks to Darren, Petra and Paul who have supervised exams this week. Petra has assisted a student by reading and scribing for him, that's not easy. Our hopes are that they will benefit from these accommodations. They must feel well supported that's for sure. 

Thanks to Mark for testing Shabib and assessing where he is. On Thursday I will assess him using the WWJ4. 

Thanks to Janet Hackett for subbing in as custodian in Zama. She is doing a great job for Janet while she awaits surgery. 

Thanks to Bonnie and Holly they are creating stunning center piece models for our High Level Grad. These ladies are the creative mentors we talked about at our staff meeting. They can make a master piece out of a Styrofoam cup and glue!!

Thank goodness five Canadian teams are in The Hockey Play offs!! This year we can cheer almost every night!! But we are loudest for Montreal!!!

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For our blog we'd love to know what your plans are for the ten day break.

My plans are to go to GP, to go over the budget and the plans for the wedding (which is 3 1/2 months away.) We have had grace so far and plan on being calm and cool when something doesn't go our way! That's the plan and we're sticking to it.

What are your plans....


  1. Hi Anne. I am out Tuesday (Family Medical) Also plans are to have Easter in Sask this year!

  2. I'm going to spend a good portion of my Easter break cleaning my apartment, planning my trip for the summer, and most definitely NOT cheering for the Habs! Go Sens!!! haha

  3. Inlaws, and purging :) my house of clutter. Its my new obsession!

  4. Just chillax; maybe grad suit shopping


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