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"Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well." 

Robert Louis Stevenson 

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Miss You

Was hard seeing Marc in Blue Hills the other day. It made it official, that Zama is no longer his home. I won't see him when I go there. He has a new group of 7,8,9 students who will just love him. 

Zama has a community consultation for the closure of the school on February 20th at 1:00. With no kids, they don't have much choice. It is a long process so we will be sure to move forward with grace with whatever decision is made by the board.

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These three Year Ed consultations are halfway done. So much of my schedule is still revolving around being in those communities. We've done High level, La Crete and Blue Hills. If we want to be included, we have to show up to these things. 

Monday- High Level
Tuesday- Fort Vermilion all day.- consultation
Wednesday- High Level
Thursday- Rainbow Lake consultation
Friday- La Crete

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Thank you 

Thank you for your commitment to our students. Each of you do that little extra to ensure that we offer the best education possible to these students. Your efforts are not unnoticed, we appreciate all you do and so do the students. 
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Instruction and Programming

CRM meetings- Please check your notes and the take action pieces you are responsible for. Also, you must make contact with your students, that is non-negotiable and keep the contact notes updated daily. 
Fort Vermilion- Tuesday 3:00 
High level- Wednesday 3:00- 4:00
La Crete- Friday 3:00 we will discuss the Blue Hills students here/ Lisa and I did a mini CRM meeting last Thursday.

January 29th Lorna Hewson will be coming to consult with me on the topic of CRM. This week we will brainstorm questions for her and Curtis. We will be creating strategy lists... so please pre-think this ... what do we do to get our students to success... What strategies do we use???

Diplomas take place on: 
Tuesday ELA pt B
Wednesday ELA pt B

Please be sure to contact your students who are writing to ensure they are ready and know the day that this exam is taking place. Teachers ensure their students are prepared for testing. 

Progress reports go home on February 9th. Progress reports should be handed to me by February 5th. 

Accountability and Our school surveys must be completed by Feb 21st. I will be dropping off codes at each school. This year we are going to get a jump on this and try to get as much info as possible from students and parents. 

Atrieve absences- If you have upcoming absences  say in May or June, that I previously okayed, you are still required to complete your own absence request on atrieve using the process we learned. Sorry, I realize this is an inconvenience.  

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This is a joke don't go home!!!!!!ha ha ha


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