Laser Focus

Image result for laser focus

The new catch phrase in Education these days is laser focus. When we know what we want to accomplish, and direct all of our attention to that, we are laser focused.

At Outreach, we  build relationships with our students and in doing so, move students forward to graduation. 

We've been doing school plans for the students but are finding we can't make decisons about their courses until be know what career path they are choosing. In other words, we need to speak to the student before making desions that affect their education. Chris was speaking to a student and found out she wanted to be a speech assistant, that requires dash 1 English so he adjusted her plan to reflect that. Making it a practice to know the student's plans is good teaching. 

Every student should have a plan, we know it, now we have to find the time to do it.

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High Level- Monday
High level - Tuesday- High school counselor meeting- grade book training 3:30
La Crete- Wednesday as is in Alex at Blue Hills- Grdae book training 3:30 for linda and Annelise. 
High Level- Thursday- need to spend time with this school this week. we are down .4 teacher and down an EA. 
High Level- Friday
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What going on??? 

Common assessments are on hold until October 1st. Make a decision as a teacher as to how you want to assess your students. 

PD day September 28th. Everyone is to attend this. You will really enjoy this one. This lady is relatable and what she is saying relates to our laser focus on relationships. 

Staff evaluations- I have 6 to do!! Yikes,  the sooner we start the better. You will be receiving a letter this week via email, outlining our schedule for evaluations. 

Marking Window is one week- a student has trouble moving forward without feedback that is why we give marks back within a week. We ask ourselves what can we control to have the best success with our students?? Well... we can control when students get their modules marked and  returned.

First Few weeks- We are into our second full week. We have only been in our schools for 9 days. There is no way to become an expert in nine days. You have all impressed me and other staff with your willingness to learn. 
Time will have you all feeling more comfortable in your roles. Please ask questions... we never mind you asking questions. I guaruntee you will feel like you know what you are doing by the end of October 2019. 
ha ha ha wondering if you caught that!

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Few Notes From LTM 

  • No parties with students at employees of FVSD homes. ie year end basketball celebration, grad celebration, etc...
  • Counselor training- this week not sure of the day. Alex and I will be attending.
  • Art opportunities- there will be opportunities in all of our schools to bring an art instructor in. We will see what this looks like after Mary meets with us. What do you want to see in your school? 
  • Music opportunities with Garth koster. There will be opportunities for music enrichment at our schools. How would you like that to unfold? 
  • EA's have the opportunity for EA training through the college. Chat with me if you are interested. This course is alos open to our students as is the heaklth care aide program and in Rainbow power engineering. 
  • FOIP- Freedom of information and Privacy Act, please be cognizant of the privacy of our families and students. Their stories can only be told with their permission. 
  • Texting students- we need to think very seriously about this and will talk about it at the staff meeting. 
  • I have asked if we can close early for the staff meeting in October we will see if that is possible. 
  •  Health and safety- don't do anything you deem as being unsafe. Call me and we can fix the situation. 
I will be interviewing for our EA position in High Level today. Hopes are we can find someone suitable soon.

Have an excellent week. Please think, pray, send positive vibes to our Framers across Alberta. They are in dire starights and need the weather to warm up considerably for two weeks straight!!!  

Image result for farmers prayer for heat


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