Thank You

Hoping you are enjoying these warm winter days. Such beauty everywhere you turn! My son and his finance visited the hot pot north of Zama. What a neat natural phenomenon that is! It cost nothing to enjoy that and it is a 11.6 km walk there and back! Great way to spend a day. 

Last week, we completed report cards and parent teacher interviews. With our student communication system we are often touching base with parents and students, keeping them informed of our expectations. Most importantly, we are building relationship. Making deposits in their buckets, checking on them  with hopes that they will  complete. 

Thank you so very much for the work you put into report cards and comments. It is arduous work, and is so meaningful! Parents expect that communication. 

The next four weeks are crucial. It is a natural time to complete courses and start new in January. Encouraging, pushing, hoovering over students is called for this month. Know where they are and where they are going. 

While doing all that, we can have a little fun too. There are many service learning opportunities for our students in December. Helping others is such fun. 

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Allan is out Wednesday and Thursday.
Chad is out to PD on 26 and 27. 


Monday- High Level
Tuesday- Fort Pm- parent teacher interviews- CRM High Level am
Wednesday- High Level
Thursday- High Level
Friday- Rainbow- am  work experience site visit pm. 

Image result for natural wonders of the world 2019

What is Going On

  • Jenine applied for the grade 7 position at Rainbow and she got it! They know she's excellent. Problem is.... the girl started her mat leave early leaving 18 kids without a teacher. Jenine and I are desperately trying to find a person to fulfill that role, but in Rainbow..... that's not so easy. I am making a predication that by Wednesday we will have this person in place. He or she will just drop from the sky! Poof,  there they will be! 
  • PAT students writing in January have been inputted. Please be sure you have a handle on your junior highs and know that they are moving forward. 
  • More dual Credit courses are available to our students including:
  • business administration
  • carpentry apprentice
  • EA
  • Electrical apprentice
  • health care aide
  • heavy equipment technician apprentice
  • industrial mechanic
  • office administration
  • power engineering 4th class
  • power 5th class
  • welding apprenticeship
These are the ones the school division has an agreement with Northern Lakes College. 

RAP- we are looking to place more students in RAP positions as the province has increased funds in that area. They are looking to place 6000 students this year as opposed to 2000 last year. 

Locally developed courses- we have access to a number I will get Bonnie to send that document out to you. 

Also, in regards to ADLC there are a multitude of course available. We are suggesting beginning students with a one credit Com 1255 course to get used to the idea of doing an on line course. The last date for registration in a core course is March 31st. 

Christmas Party will be figured out this week. We will send out an invite. Please fill out the Student party dates in the document I'm sending around. 

  • High Level is needing math and science help next week. I will be in touch with our math marvels to see when that can happen. You will be teaching us as well as the students. 
Budget, budget, budget- We need to slow down on purchases as we have a $10,000 bill for materials that was unexpected. It was expected, just not that large an amount. If we cool the spending in December and January, we will catch up. 

Image result for natural wonders of the world 2019


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