There is a reason for behavior

Here's my story:

We have a student who has great difficulty with written work and reading. Generally, he will let me work with him. Last week, he put his head down and said, " No!" I knew he meant it, I backed off saying nothing. That "No," was unusual. I even commented to people about it. Delving a little further revealed that a cousin had died last week. 

We all know there is a reason for behavior.

With learning stores we have to constantly be keeping our eyes and ears open and never judge with kids or each other. 

There is always a reason for behavior. Something is up!


Monday LTM with Chad
Tuesday- High Level
Wednesday- La Crete am- Fort later pm
Thursday- early dismissal High Level planning meeting for November
Friday- Rainbow Lake

Leah is out sick today. 
Dean is in High Level.

What's Up

  • Finishing up with diplomas- thanks so much to all supervisors
  • January diploma lists were due last Friday. take the student off if they are not writing please.
  • Due dates on modules works- Please put a due date on it. It helps parents.
  • Report month
  • Parent teacher interview month
  • Allan comes back on the 12th.
  • November 12th- our staff meeting will begin at 1:30 and end at 4:00 so it is fine for the poverty simulation people to go to that session. For others lunch will be provided at the learning store after your session. You will have an hour to chat and relax before our meeting. I am going to the poverty simulation just dont think I'll ever get another chance. Please be sure to sign up. 
  • Budget- I will find out today how we stand. Several school divisions are already in dire straights with cuts to student funding. 
Congratulations to Dean he won 1452 dollars in a seniors raffle. Dean bought the ticket from Allan. Free money is always exciting.

Enjoy your day! 


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