Take A Close Look

Take A Closer Look Magnifying Glass Words 3d Illustration Stock ...
Take a close look at some things this week.

  • Look at yourself and how you are handling the changes and constant over load of information. Balance the grief for what we had, with joy for what can be. Don't get stuck. Moments of mindfulness for you might be needed right now. Five minutes of quiet with eyes closed, prayer, walk on a nature trail. listening to Bon Jovi, playing with your dog, laughing with your kids. Being purposeful in quieting your mind. 
  • Hints- people are dropping hints about how they are feeling. Listen for them. A student text me and I could hear the tiredness in her text. Listen for those hints acknowledge that you hear them. 
  • Students should be returning work this week. We sent a lot out, is it coming back. We are not hounding kids, being harsh in anyway. Just letting them know we are open to accept anything they have completed. 
  • Tasks list- We built that task list. We've never had to worry about being busy with Learning Stores, there is always something important to do. Let's update that list and add the things you are doing. 
  • Division Actions- The division will be sorting out the volunteer layoffs. These lay offs were attractive as they guaranteed a job for next year. That was huge. Several people took advantage of that offer. 

  •  In our cluster Leah and Kayleen have taken the layoff. I can't imagine our days without them so I am not going to think about that right now. I am happy for them both. 
  • How To Grow And Care For The Bleeding Heart Plant -
    • Diplomas- we want to make sure we don't have kids on both lists to write the same exam. If they were to write in April and have a class mark no need to put down for june too. Let's double check that today. 
    • Student contacts- Go deeper to find that kid. Look on facebook, message them. Bonnie is the Queen of searches for kids, ask her to find him/her for you. We must document those contacts, more detail is better. 
    • Little Victories- You are going to have little victories this week. Celebrate them. There are going to sh#* storms and let them happen too. But come back to those victories, string them together. My little victory on the weekend was a poster sent to me by a student in Fort. This girl is working in long term care most everyday in Fort. She is 17 years old and as wise as can be. She touched base, that was a victory. 
    • Courses- we want to get to building courses and redoing courses. Lets not let the days pass with out getting to that.
    • Thanks yous- There are so many thank yous and words of appreciation to be given. We have stayed open/closed and it is working thank you for that. We appreciate you doing the extra, mailing work, delivering work, facetiming students to get them through the math. Merci beaucoup To Alex, Annelise and Linda for creating those challenge tests we needed so badly. 
    • Covid first aide for schools- I will pass this on to you today. It is the North American Center for threat Assessment and Trauma Response Psychological first aide for schools, teachers and students. This is a must read.  
    • It is a short week. You deserve to not think about school. Next week will give you that time to breathe and be thankful for your breath.  
    • Report cards will be the best we've ever done, (oh my gosh I sound like Trump!) Rescue me from that fate!!!!! We will include a DAR and an update letter for our Grads. 

    Tip: Train yourself to take a closer look. |


    Anne- High Level- Monday
    Rainbow- Tuesday- Google hangout
    High Level-Wed
    La Crete/ Fort- Thursday- google hangout

    Our students 

    It's Safe Inside - Memebase - Funny Memes
    What are your plans for the Easter Break?
    Reply to the blog three people will receive gift cards.

    I will be working on the 3000 piece puzzle Steve obviously bought while he was having a diabetic reaction, because no sane person would ever do that! We are happy to announce we only have another 2700 pieces to put together. Draw for cards will be made on Wednesday. 
    Creating a Planting Bed, and Choosing and Arranging the Flowers
    This is a preview of the High Level outdoor classroom.  


    1. I love reading your blogs Anne. They bring joy to the start of each week!My life is chaos right now. Adam is finishing up his last shifts as a Rainbow Lake Husky employee. Over Easter break him and I are planning on taking a couple things (camper, boat) to Cold Lake while my mom and dad keep the kiddos. The next few weeks will be a chaotic time but I am so excited to get to our new home and start a new beginning there.

    2. I plan to come in to work on wednesday to sort and log all the work that comes in this week (since I 🎶'Can't Touch That"🎼. Then organize my home office

    3. Hoping to spend the Easter break trying some new recipes on the kids :) This housebound business has really changed our eating habits at home. Its been a hidden blessing I think. Also wishing that the Easter Bunny can bring a few treats as a bonus

    4. I'm going to put together a dresser and two end-tables (pre-fab, nothing fancy). Depending on the weather, it'd be nice to spend some time outside with Remi. Lighting up the BBQ will certainly happen at some point, as will tackling a couple of books that have been gathering dust on my shelves. I'll probably wash my hands at some point, too.

    5. I am looking forward to a couple of projects around the house like cleaning out the garage as an example. I will make a point of connecting with old friends. We did this with a couple forms of tech over the weekend and five couples got together for a few hours of laughter and stories on Saturday night.
      I also want to fire up my outdoor pit and cook hotdogs, roast marshmallows etc with the kiddos!
      Yesterday I taught them about the three necessary elements to create a fire (wood stove) and had flashbacks to our work placcesafety modules!!
      Good times!

    6. Hope to have my basement finally finished! This will be Heather's new bedroom/bathroom space...she picked out the finishing touches and it looks pretty great! Getting outdoors for walks will be on the agenda as well :)

    7. Well this question of What am I doing on Easter break has caused me to think "Right, what am I doing on Easter Break?" LOL! To be honest I hadn't thought that far ahead yet but now that I am.... hmmmm.... having my daughters party at home on a day when my husband is there. Today is her actual birthday. Doing an egg hunt just with our kids. Getting rest to recover from a month of chickenpox. Enjoying the beautiful weather! and whatever else we figure out haha.


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