The world Needs You!


The World Needs You

Everyday that you show up

even when it's hard and when you dont feel like it,

you are making a difference.

so even on the hard days--

even on the days where you'd like to hang

back and not show up--

remember the world needs the magic inside of you

your work matters

your consistency matters

your ideas matter

your presence matters

So keep it up.

I send this to you...because it's true.

Students need the same message, let the students know the world needs them!!


Eva is out the morning of the 19th

Chad and Anne are in an LTM meeting Monday am. We are on line. 

Marj is in on Monday and Wednesday. We have her until the 3rd of Feb. We pay half the division pays half. Trying to catch up with the academic students before the new semester starts. 

I'm not sure what he is holding? Any ideas? I am hoping it's not anything you smoke. 

WHAT's Happening This Week

# Staff Metting on Tuesday at 2:30. Our meeting will be a half hour starting right at 2:35. I will send out a meeting invite. CRM right after. Should be quick as kids have only been back a week but we need to get caught up on the kids before report cards come out. 

#ASEBP presentation on Wed please see the email I sent with details. If you'd like to know more about your benefits and ask questions this is for you.

#Productivity- are our kids continuing to be productive? Will speak to this in staff meeting. 

#Report Cards are due on Monday Feb 1st. All course marks must be in by Jan 28th to be included on the report card. Report cards go out on Feb 5th. Parent teacher interviews will be outlined in LTM tomorrow we will up date you in staff meeting on Tuesday. 

#Happy 65 th Allan. It's a lovely number, enjoy the year to come, so many good things!

#Student Wellness- Sometimes attached to an unwell student is a very unwell parent. They can suck the energy out of us. Please forward that type of parent to Chad and I. You need to focus on the students, you need your energy. Important to know... if we fill out a referral parents can still deny the service... so sad but true. 

# Super short memo as we will meet at Staff meeting. Try to be at your own computer with mics off, I will call on you and you can respond if you wish. 


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