Three Weeks to Pour it On.

 This is the data we accurred last week. We look at reasons why students would be attending the Learning Store. Loved looking at this data

Reasons Our Current Students are at Outreach

High Level

La Crete

Drop outs pick up courses to graduate- they quit then came back to school




Gaming Addiction

Drug and alcohol addiction


Religious Choice-

Christain school students

Seventh day adventist



Probation/community Service- Involvement with probation, courts


Independent Student- students 

Supporting themselves



Single parent household/Parent works odd hours - no support to access school on a regular schedule- transport


Wellness- students with severe anxiety, traumas, severe depression, bi polar, physical ailments



Pregnant/have child


Social Isolation/bullied/no sense of belonging



Out of Town Students-

Did not/will not attend schooling in their community



Adult Upgraders-



Certificate to diploma


Word of Mouth - community members, older siblings or friends have recommended the program



Flexibility - students looking for input in their own schedules.reasons include working, caring for siblings, not keeping pace at high school



Covid Don’t want to be forced into online learning in case of school closures



Working Students - 

Students work during the day making a traditional school schedule difficult but are not independent



Individualized Attention/ Programming only a smaller school can offer for Parents & Students


“Dual” Students - students from the high schools taking some courses with us that weren’t offered at the right time for them at the high school to fit into their schedule


Homeschooler transitioning to Jr. High or High school



Will not attend the local high school





Does February like March?

No, but April May.

There are three weeks to pour it on...

Wouldn't it be great if our students finished up courses and exams

Wouldn't it be great if we checked things off our lists

Wouldn't it be great if we got ahead of up coming report cards 

Wouldn't it be great if we made plans for our time off, plans which include looking after you. 

Wouldn't it be great if we used these three weeks to bring joy to someone we knew could use a pick me up. 

Wouldn't it be great if we ate one more healthy food each day ( yes i mean vegetables) 

Wouldn't it be great if we appreciated the beauty of nature. 

Wouldn't it be great if we moved more and looked after or bodies. 

Wouldn't it be great if we had the best three weeks possible. It is just three weeks until you can breathe deeply and not think about school at all for 10 days. AHHHHH

Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike?

It lost its petals.

Meeting with Mike 2:30 Tuesday. Please try to be set up and on time. 

* Meeting with Mike Tuesday at 2:30. It is a Virtual Meeting. Mike must be absolutely exhausted as he has plans to meet with every school's staff. When I think of the years  since he has been our Superintendent flood, fire, flood, covid, it is boggling that he has an energy to do all these meetings. We sure appreciate it though.

As in past Power Lunches, this is our chance to say thank you and to ask questions pertaining to the big picture. Personal questions, about your situation can be asked to him through email. We asked about more space in La Crete, more staffing for next year, we noted CRM's are working and keep us learning more about the students. We wondered about covid and how it will look for us next year. 

What is the best flower for a boy to give his mom?

A son-flower!


We have everyone in this week. Yeah!! 

Thank you so much for posting so quickly into atrieve when you have an absence. It sure helps Bonnie and I keep up. We appreciate it. 

* In the 20 minute talks with you, many of you stated you required time to work on courses, technical issues, research things. We are giving a day for teachers to work on these things. Please contact myself or Chad to book that day. You can hole yourself up in a room and get at it. Imagine not being interrupted and being able to work on something that benefits our kids. Bonus!!! 

Absences- As always it is that time off year when we reiterate that it would be incredible if personal days were planned ahead. It is possible, this year only, to take personal days at the end of the year. This benefits a few who may be planning lengthy travels. 

Staff, there is access to couseling through Natasha and Willard. Everyone could use an objective person to listen to them. Great to have started a wellness series with our own students the first sessions were on sleep. 

Why did the farmer bury all his money?

To make his soil rich. 

Dates to Remember

March 31 is the last date to apply for a years leave of absence. 

May 31 is the last day to resign a position.

Report cards are due April 19th. Report cards go home on 23rd. 

Check the FVSD calendar for PD opportunities, there are so many. Very cool. 

Break begins March 27th we are back to work April 7th. I must say we can thank Mike for the calendar, he has been very aware of the need for breaks. He fought for us to keep our convention week. This break has an added day to it. 

Why are frogs so happy?

They eat whatever bugs them.

What Else is Going On

Read LTM notes for more remarks from the LTM last week. Darlene sent them out Friday.

This is the week before the anniversary of covid. Being open to peoples' actions these next three weeks is a must. We have no idea who it will affect and how it will manifest. People get a free pass this next while.... be gentle, be kind, please be aware. 

Working in the Drive- Please be careful to make a copy before you work on an item in the drive. Alex has been so patient with us beginners. This drive is our lifeline and we need to treat it as such. The hours Alex has put in can't we counted and we are so greatful for his leadership with it. 

Covid- a new Daily Covid Checklist has come out. Please be sure to update yours. It is shorter. If you are a person who vaccinates Alberta Health Services has a vaccinations site which has information for you. 

Why did the gardener plant a seed in the pond?

To grow a water-melon.


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