Two Wild Weeks

We have two wild weeks to get kids moving on their courses. After that, many things will come into play; spring fever, added daylight, more time outdoors with friends, working more and small trips south. You see... school may fall in the list of priorities. So much can be accomplished in a short time span. Let's let the kids know this. Completing in the next two weeks takes the pressure off when we return from Easter break. 

When thinking of ourselves, we know we can make it to March 26th with grace. We can get so much accomplished in 10 working days. We can cross things off our lists, we can plan for our 10 day break, we can find things that bring us joy, we can connect with others. We've got this. 

Thank you so much

Thanks so much for seeing kids in distress and assisting them. Once you engage with that student you will be able to make a decision as to whether they need to be referred or just need you to keep checking in. Thank you for being aware. Dean did a much needed referral last week, thanks Dean. I referred a student who is very obviously ill. Our wait list in High Level is 30 students long, we can only hope his case will be seen as urgent. Thanks for watching the kids and taking action when needed. 

Thank you so much to Leah who put togther a marketing session for students. There were 5 student who all completed the course and got their credits. Most importantly, it was fun for them. They learned about sales techniques, marketing to consumers and knowing your customer. Leah put this course together and taught it, very cool. This is a 30 level course with no prerequisite. 

Grad letters have been sent out. Many thanks to Alex and Holly who put those together. Students know what needs to be completed to graduate. Those letters take an incredible amount of time to do. Holly and Alex we appreciate your time. 

Thanks to you all who spend time after hours doing those things we just can't get done in a day. You are marking, you are oraganizing, you are updating resources, you are building individualized courses for students with special needs. We thank you and the students thank you. 

Thank you to those taking in PD and information sessions through Willard and Natasha. Any expertise you gain assists you in growing as an Outreach teacher. 

Thanks to Bonnie, Leah and Chad who helped work on a slide show to present to Mike concerning the way Outreach will function with At Home Learning and Northern Home. Each of us has some cool skills to add and the slide presentaion looked great. we have one more piece to add then will send it off. We are having our say in the process. 


I am out Thursday PM and Friday. Friday Steve has an insulin pump appointment. We are hoping to put him on the pump. We will see how that goes, we know there will be an adjustment period. Then I am off  next week. I am 60 %. Steve has two medical appts next week so it works perfectly that we get that done on my days off. 

Everyone else is in this week as per my notes. 

When I am away... 

Chad is Principal when I am out. In order to keep track of everyone, I ask that you stick to your schedule, your lunches and your depart time. When I am here I do not mind covering once in a while. However, Chad is in La Crete and that's far, so please stick to your times, so we will have coverage throughout the day. If you have an emergency please let Chad know and he can figure out coverage. Many thanks to Chad, we are fortunate to have someone so calm and cool looking out for all of us. 

Dates To Remember

  1. Spring break- March 27 and back on Wednesday April 6th.
  2. Report cards due April 19th.
  3. Report cards go our April 23.
  4. Ed Plan due March 22nd- first the principal's doing this initial piece then we go to staff to build our plan. 
  5.  Weekly- you make student contacts and record your conversations in the student contact sheet. 
  6. March 31st- if you are asking for a year leave of absence, the last date to apply is March 31st. 
  7. May 31st is the last date to submit your resignation. 

A joke for you Allan, Alex, Crystal and Dean!!!! 


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