We Know


Welcome back to school everyone,

This school year we are coming back knowing....

We know that High Level is going to be in disarray for two more weeks. We have no water, our building is flithy and there are plenty of safety issues. Then there will be people in here building an office soon. We know we are under construction. 

We know that we are taking students grades 9 and up. That will affect our numbers however, this move is righting ourselves. 

We know that there are going to be many questions going forward. We know that.

We know that parents are undecided and are seeking information to make a choice.

We know that dual students will be back this year, more so in La Crete. Kids are signing up with us for a quad then going back to LCPS for a quad then coming back. We know that. Our kids are free to sign up for courses as well. We know that.

We know Covid cases are rising. We know that schools are exempt from the masking up mandate set by AHS. We also know that you must do what you are comfortable with. We know we can wear a mask if we like so can our students, and we will have them on hand. 

We know we are responsible for our 

We know that enrollment counts are expected four times this month. We count enrollment by registrations. There is a count today at noon. 

We know that there will be surprises this year. We know we choose our reactions to the surprises. Grace or effrontery, you pick. Geeze I love that word some people are masters at being, effrontery. 

If we know all these things, our anxiety level come down a wee bit, we know what to expect.


When I am here working my 60% you bring all questions etc to me. 

When I am not here you pose those questions to Chad in La Crete and Sean Price in High Level. I will get my two month schedule out to you this week. I am out Monday as Steve has eye doctor and diabetic appt in GP will be back Tuesday. 

Each week I will be travelling to La Crete Learning Store. Usually on a Wednesday but this week it will be on Thursday. 

Amanda is out, for today and tomorrow.

Please remember it's Tuesday, this is a four day week.

Septemeber 30th is a Truth and Reconcilication National holiday a time to reflect. 

Thank Yous  

Thank you for being patient with the chnages to our computers and our phones. It will take us sometime to get used to this. It almost made me cry a couple of times last week, shows me how much I reply on technology to do my work. Computers make work easier. We all know these changes could have been done with more communication, i could have fixed it if I knew it changed!! 

Thank you for welcoming our students. They need the unconditional love right now. Please refer kids you know need mental health services, let's get on this right away. Our diviison is committed to providing services for our kids. 

Thank you for your calm. Calm always wins over chaos. So when there is chaos you bring calm. Thats not easy but calm is necessary. 



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