When We Lose Empathy For Others

Jody Carrington says watch your people. Watch for signs that they are not themselves. When that normally kind, caring gal/guy says things like, " Well, they can just die then." We can tell that the trauma of the passed few months is mounting and is demonstrated those words. Be ready to recognize it, and be there to help. Do the next, best, right, kind, thing for that person. 

The sh#t that comes out of people's mouths right now is beyond, but it is beyond because they have never been to this negative place before. Or they have never lived in this negative space for so long before. They just told you they need help with their words with their actions. The same is true with our kids. They won't tell you they need help. That call for help will come in him covering his head entirely with a black bag (our student today) or with her putting her head down and sleeping, or is disrupting the room.  People need reminders there is beauty everywhere, your funny joke helps, your pictures of sunsets help, your arms open attitude helps. 

Please watch for signs that we are losing our people. Counseling is here. Just say the word. Good books are as good as counseling sometimes. Allan has the name of a good book he just read, something about a man. I can't remember the title, please ask him. Perhaps, a change in perspective is needed, a book can do that. This book Allan spoke of, describes a man's experience of the holocaust and his ability to see the beauty in the smallest things, a bug, a butterfly, the way the light shone in on the walls. I'm going to read that book. 

written by our IT department


Crystal and I are having dental surgery the same day. How sweet is that! We are out Monday to Wednesday. We're back Thursday. Sean Price is king of the castle in High Level. Chad plays King of the castle in La Crete. I think you should all try to push them off the hill!!! Fun and good exercise. 

Hoping Bonnie is feeling better. Hugs to you from the internet. It is terrible being sick.  Bonnie has appointments this week for two days in Edm. 

Everyone else is in this week per my records. 

What Happening This week

  • Our students are bringing in their soft courses and are picking up their core courses. Please remember we are setting timelines for completion and following up. 
  • Upgraders- Amanda will share with you what she has been doing with our upgraders at our next virtual staff meeting. It is a great system, students are leaving the Learning Store very hopeful and with tons of information. 
  • Numbers in High Level are 52. Numbers in La Crete are 48 with 8 duals. We are only two weeks in, this is alot of kids for this early. 
  • Registration Survey- Please be sure to get kids to fill out the survey. Students are asking to see a counselor through that survey. Let's not miss that. In addition it asks if the student has an IPP, let's not miss that either. 
  • WEllness Issues Survey- The week of 25-29 we will give all students the issues survey where students identify wellness issues they would like more info on. From this info we will build the wellness sessions for the year. 
  • Registration-  When you register a student ask them if they have friends who have considered coming back to school. We had a conversation with a student today, which led us to recommending NorthLakes College for her boyfriend. He has 59 credits and there is so much he can do to graduate. You never know what answers you'll get when you ask that question. 
  • CTS hard scheduling can start to happen this week in each location. 
  • CRM's will be held on The first week of each month. We know we need one, when we start talking about our kids and not always favorably. High Level will be the first Tuesday of each month. La Crete will be the first Thursday of each month.
  • CRM pd follow up on Monday from 3:00 to 4:30. Hoping someone will take this in and update us. 
  • Anne's schedule- That will come out next Thursday.  
  •  Ipp summaries will be completed by the end of the month and will be out to staff. 
  • That's enough our heads will explode if I add anymore. 



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