Almost There Peeps.


We are almost there everybody. We need to hear that.

Our year is exactly three weeks away from conclusion. 

We CAN complete the year with grace, dignity and hope for the new 

Pathways Brand. 


The name Learning Store, Store Front will only ever be spoken by accident in the future. We will reminisce. There is great praise for all who who have worked here. The number of kids they/you rescued is undeniable. We rallied from being told we aren't a school, from being given every out of the box kid, from being told we don't teach, from being short staffed, from being recognized sometimes and ignored others. Fact is, we do like to be ignored, we just liked to choose the times. Funny aren't we. This summarizes us, quirky, funny, odd, misunderstood, brilliant, beyond creative, professionally talented educators. Kids always came first, kids succeeded, families benefited, our communities added an educated adult to their population. You became a better educator, you were challenged, you were a Learning Store Educator. 

Now, you transition to a Pathways Educator a renewed mission, a clear direction, building a school that meets the needs of 1-12 students. while still offering a safe space for our kids who need that. Offering accomodations to kids who require them, pacing kids to graduate, planning for their success, being patient when you need to be. Those parameters won't change just the name changes. Change is coming, we will be ready for the adventure. When you know, it helps.

We Have A Lot to Celebrate

Leah's daughter Heather graduates this weekend. Heather is enrolled in Northwest Polytechnic in the BSN program. She will rock that world!! You raised a cool kid there Leah!

Allan  and Debbie are going to attend their son, Wyatt and future daughter in law Chelsey's, wedding on Sunday, in Bluemenord ( how do you spell that). What a moment that will be!! I remember when Wyatt was born what a cutie. Now, he is getting married!! Enjoy Allan and Debbie. Families need celebrations. 

Long Service Awards: Congrats to you fine folks, we will celebrate you on June 28th in Fort with a weiny and a bun! Cheers! Thanks for being you, we sure do love you!
Amanda 5 years
Chad 20 years
Allan 35 years

What's Up

Diplomas, PATS are next week. Please let students know of the schedule. Some kids need these marks to graduate they can't miss. Please become familiar with that supervision schedule that came out. 

PD Kim will be outlining what PD will happen at year end. If you have booked personal days don't you worry there will be catch up PD. 

Looking for something to do, start on your report cards. Comments need to be entered. Get ahead. Report cards are due June 20th. They go home the 24th. 

Registering students for next year. Please ask students what their plans are for next year. We would like a rough aproximation of who our students will be next year. Easy to contact them when we just chat with them at their table. Take a registration form if they would like to sign up for next year.

Year end gathering for all staff June 24th, my house. I promise there will be no mosquitoes!!!It's our last farewell, hooray, gathering. We get to celebrate you and Learning Stores. Bring your significant other, I will do chartcuterie boards and steak or chicken. Mileage will be paid as we are having a staff meeting at 6:30 by the big oak tree in the backyard. We will have a few fun things happening. BYOB, plus we will have a make your own " Old Fashioned Bar,"  for coinisseurs of finer things. 
Get a ride with someone. Or call UBER


Many are out for the Mennonite Holidays.
Many are out for the last few days of June.
Leah is out Thursday and Friday.   
I am out June 15th to the 17th as Steve has two more medical appointments one at the hositpal on the 15th and one with the opthamologist on the 17th. 
With year end around the corner please be sure to input your absence the day of the absence. I must record all absences by June 15th for year end. I believe we are up to date now. 




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