We're here!!!


Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! We made it to the last week with kids. To think of all that we have been through as a crew... Heartache, frustration, panic, illness, anger, celebrations, victories and jubilation. Wouldn't have wanted to travel all of that, with anyone but you, what a crew!!!

Learning Stores have another 9 days of existence. We will close out with grace, calm, celebrations of you and some heartache. We held back the shots, put downs and lack of concern for our type of student for years and years. We are going down, but out LS  ashes will rise a cool, new, digitized school that will appeal to many. I'm looking forward to watching from the side lines and am ready to assist in any way I can. It is going to be very cool, with you making it come to fruition, I can not fail! 

On Friday night we will come together as a staff. That has been so rare! Stupid covid! Report cards will be done. You will be ready to socialize and catch up with each other. We have a chance to honor Learning Stores one last time. 


Many of you caught up on days owed. Good. Many of you are taking the days next week. Good. 

Just have to be sure to update atrieve. 

What's Up This Week

  • Diplomas will be finalized and sent away. 
  • Let students know there are diplomas being written in High Level at the beginning of August. They are regualrly weighted not 10%. 
  • PATs are complete each school had a slew of writers. 
  • Report crads- Most of you are done as you have commented all along. We will print soon in La Crete and High Level. 
  • Wind down awards days are happening in both locations. High Level on Thursday and La Crete on Friday. 
  • Today is not only summer solstice but is also National Indigenous People's Day. A day for all Canadians to celebrate diverse cultures, unique heritage and the contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Metis People. There are many activities in our communities today. 
  • I have had Chief Dan George's poem- To A Child -hung in my classroom and office for 36 years. It pokes my heart. 

  • In High Level we will be syncing with the University of Alberta to join Richard Van Camp's event. He has been in our community often. He is an artist , a writer a mentor an advocate of indigenous youth.  
  • New LOGO coming next year so all Learning Store logo materials can be distributed. Pens, hoodies, etc.... 
  • Think deeply of who your 19 year olds are and see if they are interested in any dual programming through Northern Lakes. Each student should be given the chance to decide. Yiour job is to let them know. Go through your students and see who meets the requirements. Find out what they are up to. 
  • Form filled out for the kids who are returning next year. Have you done that for your students. That must be done by Wednesday. Kim wants an idea of who is returning and what our numbers will be. 
  • There is plenty of work to do for year end. Go through the modules, make sure you are ready for September. Organize. Do they year end list, Bonnie will send that out. There is alot to do. 
  • Transitioning students, many students are heading back to the high schools. let's make sure the High School is aware and the students is planned for. 


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