Monday Memo Mantra

Monday memo November 24 st- Steve's Real birthday.

Short Blog as I'm not sure if this computer can handle much more. Its needs a personal day. 


Shane's family has a new puppy named Marlo. There is no disputing she is adorable! 
Had a picture but Mr. Computer system is refusing to work. 


Lots of activity this week:

Our Susan has flown home to Nova Scotia  to look after family for the week. Mayor McAteer will be in to teach while Susan is out. The kids are in good hands that's for sure. Need to say a little prayer that things will all fall into place for Susan's family. We want  her to play tetris and win! 

Tuesday pm- Andrew O is out for BL I have no one yet. This will have to be an internal coverage. 

Tuesday/ Wednesday- Shane and I are out to Threat assessment training in La Crete. Marvin will act one day and Sheila the next. Megan is in to cover Wednesday but I have no one yet to cover Tuesday am. May have to go internal for that one. 

Wednesday- Kim is off to Edmonton with Sean for three days starting Wed. Sean is on the next phase of his medical journey- great thing Kim is going this time to assist. She is wonder woman and doesn't even know it. She will, when she wakes up with those gold  bracelets on. She thought they were handcuffs, but no girl, they are Wonder Woman cuffs. Klink them together to see what happens! Koteah is in for two days. No sub for Friday except the afternoon. I'll talk to Kim about that. 

Friday- Wanda P is out, Jane an unqualified, is in to sub. 

Thank you to you

Thanks to Hannah for the cool Tae kwon Do exploratory. The kids absolutely adore that exploratory. She has so many kids and they do exactly what she tells them or else! 

Thanks to Marvin and Sheila for acting when we need you. You are calm and cool there isn't anything that can rattle you. They are just the people you want leading this school. 

Thanks to Debbie and Megan for making Operation Christmas child such a positive experience. You poked so many hearts this week. Thanks to Super A and Arnold Enterprises for helping us with the boxes and taking them to the bus depot. 

Thanks to Shane for leading the staff meeting consultations. He does a fabulous job of that. It went quickly and I hope  you felt  your voice was heard. 

Thanks to teachers for making the calls home and for building relationship with many parents and guardians in interviews. You learned so much about your students just from the conversations you had. You were exhausted Friday I know, but your kids didn't know and that was very honorable of you to keep your integrity even when tired. 

Thanks to our Lilli people you are rescuing kids! Andrew N, Michelle, Olivia, Wanda N and Carmen you are making such a huge difference in getting these kids hooked on reading. Thank you for your time and commitment to this. Thanks to Kim P for facilitating this program and training our people. 

Events/ Instruction and Programming

There is no family Literacy Night this week. The calendar has it in there but the timing is poor. We will reschedule that. 

Exploratories Friday

Student council meeting Monday at Noon. 

Want to turn  your class behavior around? Just start handing out stars when you see something fabulous happening. Recognize the good the students do and more good will follow. We have STARS pads at the office. When is the last time you wrote one? This week on Friday we are picking stars out but this time staff who wrote the stars are getting the prize. That happens on Friday Pm. 

Guided Reading- We are going to visit classes to see just how guided reading works over the next months. Thanks for letting us in. 

Math - Geri is in Tuesday morning and Wed pm. She is going to wander into your class and your kids will drop everything and tell her what they know. Relax no worries she is going to help your thinking. 


  1. One of my students bought me a book mark from the book fair on Friday. It said "you are the sprinkles to my doughnut". It made my day!

  2. Wishing Susan and Kim's family all the best!

    Love the Dear Teacher note, very inspirational!

  3. For Operation Christmas Child, there was a student who did not want to make a box with a group so we let him make one on his own with a little help from the adults in the room. When Debbie was asking what they were excited about the children getting in there box. This student had said the picture of him. He wanted them to know who had made the box and they would know him forever and get to keep that picture. He was very excited and thrilled to be able to be a part of this. He surprised me! I didn't think he would stay long enough to make the box.
    Thank you Debbie and Megan!!

  4. Having a blast running my exploratory! What a great group of kids!

  5. I just want to say that I enjoy working with such an amazing staff - thanks for all you do!!

  6. Debbie...I showed your video to my 5's & 6's. I talked a lot about kindness and my feisty little 5's got into a debate about our town's less fortunate..."drunks" as they called them. Some were so adamant that these people didn't deserve anything, that they had money but drank it and that they had family but chose not to live with them...not what I was going for but they were expressing their opinions and so I went with it, playing devils advocate. I left them wit this question / thought. I asked them to raise their hands if they wanted to grow up and be homeless or "a drunk" on the streets of HL when they were older...not one hand in the air. So my final thought to them was none of those people, when they were in grade 5 raised their hands either. That nobody wants to end up on the streets and although we may not agree with their lifestyle, they still deserve kindness. I had one student come back after recess and say "I'm going to remember that the next time I see one of those guys, when they were in grade 5, they didn't raise their hand either." Brought a tear to my eye. ��

  7. I feel so lucky to work with such amazing people in this school. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation and patience with the book fair last week. We made $4800.00 so that is a huge success :)

  8. Green thoughts and wishing on a star for Kim's Sean and Susan's family. That is a great amount of money for book fair. What will you spend it on Erica? I want you all to know that working at Spirit is a joy and it is because the staff here are super.Thank you to everyone for all you do.

  9. Had a great turnout for pt interviews. Saw some people I wasn't expecting to see.

  10. Shout out to Shane for coming to check up on my students this week to reduce behaviors. Thanks for helping me keep my students accountable!


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