Monday Memo Meanderings- December 01, 2014

Welcome December.
Welcome back to many of our staff. You have been missed. You have tended to your family or your health and will continue to do so.  Hope you realize that when things go on in our families those are traumas. Often we are tending to the traumas of our students, this month it seems, its our turn to tend to our own traumas. The list is very long for our staff right now, so as we would kids, we wrap around each other and make sure you know school is a calm place, we care about you and wished we could take a pain away by snapping our fingers. Some of us will pray for you, some of us will have you in our thoughts often and some of us will  listen but all of us are here for you. Strength in numbers I say! 

Thank yous to each and everyone of you! 

Can't say enough  to the teams Including support staff who stood up for your partners this week.  they handled it like heroes-taking away others worries and giving of yourself. Shane and I are proud to say you are our staff. That makes me a little teary. I know Icry easily but it truly is touching how you are stepped it up and not a worry was left your your teammate. That is too cool to measure. 

I hope you all dance despite the worries. 

Its complicated this week

I am out until Friday doing a school review at Buffalo Head. That just got confirmed last week. Hoping to steal some ideas from that school and bring them here. Hoping to work late each night so I can get back earlier. 
A few subs are booked for me over the week. 

Tasha is in Peace River at Geri's meeting. Crystal is in.  

Bethany is in the library. Erica can you ground her please not sure if she can turn on computer etc.. 

Andrew is out to Cohort year two. Jane is in. Will put someone else with more experience in there too. 

Emily is in for Debbie to do the holiday gift shop. 

Fern will do my Lions Quest on Tuesday morning.

Shane is out to LTM- Koteah is in for her.
Megan is in for me and to sub for acting.
Emily is in Cheri's classroom in case Trenton shows up.


Emily is in for Shane
Megan is in for me. 

Marvin is out- Emily is in Pm- Fern is in am. 

Soon ( January) there will be three new subs for High Level hallelujah!! 

Please call Shane if you will be out. I will be on the road at 6:45 every morning! his number is 780 841 2921


Bulletin board contest is  on. The winning 3 classes gettery delivery of something they will love!!! Theme is happiness is.... I cant fix that it erases everything so i will add a line. the winning classes get a mystery delivery. it will be cool! 

Big event staff Christmas social December 5th.Hoping you all will come for dinner and some fun. 

Assembly periods 5 and 6. Shane will lead this. 

Christmas hat and PJ day. thursday

Buy a star day on Friday. Fill our tree with Stars. $1.00 per star. Money goes to charities including the foodbank. 

That is it for this week. Calm and cool we are. Counting the days till we can reconnect with family less than three weeks it is. 

Whoever responded to last weeks blog will receive a gift that I purchase in la Crete tomorrow.
Wherever repsonds to this weeks blog and tells me who the poets name of htis passge is will get a treat on Thursday. I cant fix my mistakes or it erarses everything behind it not sure what that is about.


  1. Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening ny Robert Frost

  2. Whose woods these are, I think I know, his house is on the village though. He will not see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow...
    When I was in Grade 8, we had to memorize & recite this poem by Robert Frost. My English teacher passed away later that year and every time I come across this poem I think of him. He was a jolly man who had high expectations of his students and no tolerance for anything less than your best...a typical teacher quality.

  3. I am a big fan of the I Hope You Dance song!! Glad we are all back!

  4. I am very glad to be back this week :) love the song choice for this week, and the poem is by Robert Frost.

  5. What was the song of the week? For some reason I can't see it. Nice Robert Frost poem.


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