Short Week Monday memo

Fleetwood Mac week is what I call it!!! 
Did you know Thunder only Happens when its raining!! 
Players only love you when they're playing!! 
You will hear me singing all the way in High Level. 

It's a short week but one in which we can get much done.No more worry of report cards. 

Thanks to you

Thanks to all our We Day supporters and helpers. Heard kids loved the lunch!!! There will be some changes to next years We Day- which include kids who would really benefit going to the We Day- those who won't - will stay back at their schools/classrooms. 

Thanks to you for giving your exploratory to Sheena. 

Thanks to you Kim B for singlehandedly making me so proud of our kids. Those songs poked my heart and everyone else s. What a moment that was at our Remembrance day assembly. Hugs to you Kim and Shane for putting that together.  

Thanks to the teachers for the fantastic student stories or report cards as some call them. Your heart shines through in those reports just as it is supposed to! 


Shane and I are out for only the morning on Wednesday. We are at the school results review in Fort Vermilion until noon. We get to brag about you and the kids, love this day! Will be back in the afternoon. Will tell you who is acting soon. Emily is in for Lion's Quest. 

Marvin Carmen and I are out Friday- Emily is in for Marvin
Bethanny is in for Carmen.

Report cards go home Friday. 
Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes are packed next week. Encourage kids to bring things in please. 
Exploratories start this Friday.

Have a marvelous week filled with compliments and positive thoughts. How could it be any other way there are only three days this week. 


  1. Remembrance Day ceremony was beautiful! Everyone involved did a great job:)

  2. This will be a great week! Remember..."don't stop thinking about tomorrow and go your own way!" LOL. I'm jealous Mrs. Roberts...enjoy! ��


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