Technology Connecting Us

Is Technology Connecting Us or Dividing us????

Parents say its doing both. Never before have parents been so connected to their children. never before have families had so many ways to keep in touch, when away from one another. Yet, they say the type of communication is different. It consists of short snips of conversation, really nothing ever deep and thought provoking. Parents are scared of the evolution of communication. Will they be able to keep up? Scared of the changing social norms. Scared of not knowing. They are afraid for their children's safety on digital devises. They are afraid of  the fact their children have blind faith in anything they see on those devises. 

Tomorrow we will talk to the kids about technology. Do they think it divides us or connects us? 

***********This week,  I'd  like you to answer on the blog whether you think it connects us or divides us and we will try to keep a discussion going. All those involved in that discussion will all receive a free hot  lunch ( it will be a certificate for a school lunch). If you do not know how to reply on the blog please see Sheila she will help you out. 

Wow Good to Hear!!!

Erica has written her entrance exam to start schooling at Northern Lakes College. Best of luck to her on that test. 

Shane will come back to us on Tuesday. He helped out there for six days and made sure teachers felt valued and recognized. Welcome back Shane. 

Marvin gets to go to Edmonton to reunite with the family this weekend. Enjoy Marvin. 

Natalia is going to be doing a week long artist in residency for each class in the month of April. We have an artiste in our midst and she will spread the love of art to all. We will let you know the dates. 

Susan's puppy Flynn had a birthday. He's an old dog with the disposition of a puppy. Sounds like me and Susan!! 

Kim Brown you must be amazed at the lovely ripple effect of fitness this pedometer has been bringing to the schools throughout our division. I have mine on now....I'll be back in one minute.... i'm going to run around the office....... That stupid thing didn't register ugh!! I'll move it to my foot! Here I go again! 4 X around the office, that's better.... 566 steps just from running!! pant, pant, pant, choke! 

  1. Staffing

Shane is out Monday and Wednesday. 

Andrew is out Tuesday Pm for BL. Our sub just cancelled so we will be looking. Emily is our most likely person. 

Sheila is out Wednesday. Cathy Robinson is in. 

Erica is out Wednesday- Jane is in. 

Marvin is out  Friday- sub to be announced. 

Hannah is out Friday - Talynn is in subbing

Things we need to continue  doing:

We need to be the last people out of our classes. We need to be the first people into our classes. Expecting that the kids are going out on their own isn't reality. They aren't! Prepare them one minute before bell and they'll be ready to go out the door when you do. Talk to your kids before they go out that when the bell rings they react to it not ignore it. It is polite manners to do that. We react to bells we get up from the staff room and go to class when the bell rings so should the students. ( we do that don't we????, I' m not in there often enough) 

NH -NH- no hats no hoodies. You just have to say hey Liberty Jane NH, or point to your head they get it. Friday is hat day for $1.00.

Continue being the fabulous people you are who stand up and look out for each other. You truly are all educators who build people up and so many principals are envious of the staff we have at this school. Shane and I are aware that we are blessed to the Stars and back that you are with us! 

Events stuff going on

Gala students meeting recess one all those interested will receive an application and a date will be set for mini auditions perhaps with student council. date for final applications is March 19th . 

A piece of writing form every student is due March 20th. We want to feature each child on this wall of words. each child has something to be proud of. due to Kitty by March 20th. Don't be afraid to be creative and make it look really cool. 

Student forum- is technology connecting us or dividing us.? at L1 in the back conference room. 

family math night March 18th at 7:00.

Family Restaurant Night March 26th, all money goes to the Apollo Spinner. 6:00 we need servers. So much fun. 

Staff meeting March 19th. 
Random acts of kindness baskets March 22- 27 divide your class into three. No complaining this time as each class fills their own baskets. divide your class into 1/3 s to bring in the items we have the baskets. pick the places. Write them on the board. make cool poems cards, etc... 


Janelle and I witnessed a huge Victory on Friday night. It went like this Marvin and his lacrosse kids set up the gym. Shelly facilitated the three girls popping popcorn. 
Janelle and I sat back as kids took money at the door served from Grubb Tubb and cleaned up!!! I can honestly say the first truly kid run movie!! Victory for us all! They can do it. Thanks so much to Marvin, Janelle and Shelly once these kids are trained more, it can be even more independent. yee haaa!!! $425 raised for the Apollo spinner.

Have yourself a wonderful week. It promises to be sunny and warm and filled with funny heart warming moments with our kids. 


  1. Do technology divide us or connect us? That is really a question for which there is no definitive yes or no. While yes people are more "in touch" via various means of technology when we think about social networking or being able to text directly to a person, the quality of that connection leaves much to be desired. Technology has definitely affected the conversations people have when they are together. I find it quite concerning when people are in the same room with others and there is a constant need to check their device for messages. Just my opinion!

  2. The cartoons were awesome. Technology can be very divisive without it being monitored, or not having guidelines in place. Technology can also be very uniting when we value safe guards put on them to protect our children.

    My first comment was better, but it didn't publish.

  3. Technology divide us or connect us? Both. When we look at the negative effects of technology like: decline in writing skills, interpersonal communication and relationships. Nonverbal communication is the single most powerful form of communication (93%). Not to mention the physical side effects of excessive use of modern technology-sleep disorders, mental health-stress and depressive symptoms. That being said there are some really positive points-convenience, safety, connecting to information and world. As in everything manners, moderation, and safety are the key.

  4. Both! Technology has helped my family feel close to home, even though we are so far away. Through things like FaceTime.
    However children would rather be indoors playing on computers, xbox, iPads. I need to make my son go outside and play.We have started playing more board games and card games to have family time without technology.

  5. I'm with the parents on this one! Technology can be your best friend...when it's working and your worst enemy when it's not! It allows us to connect to family and friends who are far away in an easy and convenient manner. I feel like the divide is happening with the lack of human contact and connection. As human beings we take our social cues & norms from that contact. So without that I feel like we are creating a society of people who lack basic social & communication skills. 90% of communication is non's the body language, facial expressions etc...that allow us to experience the true meaning and value of communication. All this being said, technology isn't going anywhere so we better get on board and embrace it, the best we can!!! A good start would be a sarcasm insert...we have all had that one email or text where we truly weren't sure what the person meant...a sarcasm button might be a quick fix...I think I'll patent that and bring it to Dragon's Den, with all of my technological skills! (Perfect time for my sarcasm button!!!)

  6. Does technology divide us or connect us? I think that it is both. Technology is able to connect families that don't live close by stay connected with each other. Then there are kids and even some adults who rely on technology.They don't want to go outside and play. They just want to be in on their computers, ipads, etc. I am glad I didn't have all this technology, I loved being able to go outside and play with ll the kids in the neighborhood. Now we don't often see kids outside playing.

  7. I think that technology does both. I love being connected so easily to some of my family especially when they live so far away. A quick text shows them that I am thinking of them when time does not allow for a phone call. On the other hand, it can take away from family time as people are so caught up checking FB, playing games, texting, etc. that conversations in person are few.

  8. I am also saying that technology both divides and connects us. My Dad regularly calls me just to tell me to go on skype so we can see each other. I can still see and talk with friends who no longer even live in the country. However, how many times have you walked into the staff room and half of the people are on their phones instead of talking to the live people in the room. It can be a blessing if used properly, and a curse if you can't tear yourself away from it.

  9. Okay! I am turning my back to technology tonight! This is now my third attempt with this blog. I started this afternoon and my post didn't send and I got frustrated and quit! Then I thought I wrote an even better response just now only for me to have to sign in again and my post was gone! Ugh! Technology! Here goes again! Perseverance I tell ya! Carmen, I actually wrote the same thing, technology being a blessing and a curse. I feel what is happening more so ham ever is that we as a society are forget our manners and showing less of an appreciation for those real life relationships and are more invested in our digital worlds. I guilty of it; the kids are in the tub so I check so texts. Shane and I are watching tv in the evening but I am on Facebook or Pinterest rather than chatting more and building our bond. And for what... The best quinoa casserole recipe, or to see what someone I went I junior high school with 20 years ago had for dinner. Lame! I feel that we as a whole need to think of the examples that we are setting for future generations. Being more mindful, aware, and present will hopeful help or lessen the disconnect that we are creating! Technology will always be here; those true relationships and bonds we have are not guaranteed! Okay... Third attempt... Please!

  10. I believe technology divides and connects us. It divides us in the sense that you no longer have to go out and socialize for anything. you can now work from home, shop online and text someone instead of going to visit them. but it also connects us to people living far away, new ideas and we are able to have pretty much any information right at our fingertips. The importance of technology these days is using it only to certain extents for example switching off the games and going to play outside or researching a topic instead of believing the first thing you read. Technology is only expanding, but if you educate yourself on how to use it, it can be very beneficial.

  11. I also agree that it does both. It's helpful with being able to connect to the world in so many ways, can completely isolate us as well. Finding the balance is the key. It continues to be the easiest answer but the most difficult thing to accomplish at times.

  12. I agree that it does both. I value technology a lot of the time to keep closely connected with friends and family. I agree though that kids today rely too much on technology. They don't know what it is like to go outside and play with their friends. It is almost a chore to get them to do so. I have a nephew and ALL he wants to do is play on his computer, ipad, etc. It kills me that he has missed out on all the opportunities to go and play all the outdoor games we did as kids. Technology also divides us in the sense that we are often distracted by it (I am also a big time offender of this). My goal is to become less distracted by my phone and other technologies when I should be more focused on the people that are actually with me!


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