Still feeling the LOVE from Friday!!!

It's hard to describe! 
Its hard to describe the feeling you get when you know all we've taught the kids translates to other situations. Friday was a little test for our kids to see how they manage with different kids, with really warm weather and with different adults to deal with. They rocked it! Hearing the conversation, all groups celebrated the day and had a ton of fun! Kids were kind and compassionate and the adults made it a totally fun day too. What a great feeling knowing that our kids are fabulous people whatever we do with them, wherever we take them. 

Huge thanks to all who organized and cleaned up after that event. It was huge and took lots of time to put together and take down. We thank you for your time and commitment to the success of this day. 


Erica got her first assignment back and got 100%. Way to go girl!!! Celebrate each victory. 

Cheri and Janelle signed their continuous contracts this morning. That means they are with us next year and hopefully for many years. 

Congratulations to Andrew who will be picking up his baby girl soon!! You'll have to baby proof the house with newspapers everywhere. 

Fern and Marvin will be honored on Friday night. Marvin for 15 years and Fern for 30. I get to do a speech for her. I know she will love being in the limelight!!! (not)

Jacey is home. She's been away for almost forever it seems 
( Brazil)  and she is home now for a week. Then she jet sets back to BC. 

Shelly's family told of their journey in deciding to go to California and to do missions. We know her family doesn't do anything in an ordinary way, they are destined to touch as many people as they can with their words and their actions. We feel it everyday with Shelly, time to let others in on what we've kept to ourselves for 12 years. Congrats in sharing your story with others Shelly. 

Shane took the kids to the Bushie Trail on Wednesday and they cleaned like troopers. Our community in partnership with the RCMP cleaned up that space and it looks so much better now. 

What Up?? 

Geri is here tomorrow. She will be meeting with teams. I am building the schedule now. Exciting thing is our teams are solid with no new staff coming in. Apologies for the short notice with the schedule. Thanks for being a gymnast and being so flexible. 

Saffire the performer may come on Wednesday. Not sure of any details or if she was even able to book her flight for Wednesday. Tomorrow morning we will know forsure. 

Thursday is Telus World of Science. The program is on the board in the staff room. 

Corn chowder is the soup tomorrow! Yeeee haaa! 

Grade sixes are doing service learning projects;
Mr. Pittman's group is visiting with long term care patients and are buying a huge umbrella for their patio and planting plants. They will be fundraising for this $900 umbrella by doing recycling. 

Ms. Richard's class are going to be gorilla gardeners. They are going to transform the piece of land in between the post office and the Work World. They will be collecting flowers if you have any to give!! 

Ms. Graham's class is collecting blankets, dog treats cat treats etc... for the SPCA. They are also working there once a week. They have been selling fruit infused iced tea on pave 1 . 

Staffing and more info

Emily is in the library only in periods 1 and 2 tomorrow. The library will be open but you must go with your kids to sign out books after 10:10. She will be subbing for the math Pd tomorrow. Please think of any questions your team will have for Geri. We have three qualified ( almost with Emily) subs. Please bring your year plans.

Shane and I will meet with Geri periods 1 and 2. show her our Ed plan. 

______________ Grade four or five team will meet with Geri periods 3 and 4. Let me know which team this works best with. subs Emily, Evelyn and Kristin Stuart. 

Math team periods 5 and 6- Susan, Tasha, Andrew, and Cheri- periods 5 and 6.
Susan's sub- Evelyn
Andrews sub- Andrew N plus mentors
Cheri- Kristin Stuart
Tasha's sub - Emily

Periods 7 and 8-     Team 4 or 5 not sure which team  this time works best with______________.

Team 6 after school for half and hour please- 3:30 to 4:00

Staffing continued- 

Tina Thieseen is out for two days. Monday and Tuesday. No sub yet. 

Amber is out all week. We wish her a good week of recovery and hope she will embrace the days of quiet. Sara is in for her. 

Samantha is out on Wednesday. No sub yet. 

Sheila is out Wednesday- Evelyn is in. 

Thursday is PGP meetings day- Evelyn is in. That is if everyone is here and no one calls in sick or we will re route Evelyn. 

Friday Sheila is out Evelyn is in.

Amy Scott is out Friday- no sub yet

Here's a picture of the future: when Marvin and Andrew finish report cards and jump off the dock at Footner Lake to celebrate!! 


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