The Gift of a Day

Today is a gift you've been given. Enjoy it. Mom's be grateful for the attention. It's hard to accept recognition from others when you always give, but today, just enjoy! Let people thank you and love you. Don't discount how much you mean to others. Enjoy!!
Cool news

@ FVSD gave us $5000 worth of books for reluctant readers.

@FVSD is going to change out our extremely slow laptops for chrome books. Kids can log on in seconds! What a relief!!!! 
We will receive Pd on chrome books on Friday morning. We are hoping you will get one then too!! Keep your fingers crossed. 

Thanks so much for all you did this week.

# Thanks to Shane who took our robotic kids and iron chef kids to La Crete for a competition. As i understand it our robotics kids cleaned up and our iron chef kids rocked too! 

Thanks to Janelle, Michelle and Shane who helped with the movie. Our kids are running most things have supervisors is fabulous. We raised over $700. The movie was hilarious!! 

Thanks so much to Kim Brown who organizes things with such grace. She does sooooo much yet remains calm , cool and always in control. The Music showcase was a hit!! 

Thanks to Shane for doing to sound all day. I hear it went with out a hitch. 

Thanks to all kitchen helpers!!The food was a spectacular hit. Cooking healthy is hard but everyone chopped together, washed dishes together, delivered food together, hosted together, cleaned the kitchen together and made the day an overwhelming success. The chopping conversation was fun too. When do we ever spend that much time together just chatting? All the worlds problems are now solved! 

Thanks to all who 80's it out on Friday!! What spectacular outfits you each looked five years younger!!

Thanks to all who came out to the BBQ Thursday. There were 250 people there. Many people got to see Spirit Trail for the first time. Now families will make it a destination on a shiny afternoon. Many families we never see were there.


Wow this is a long list. 


Tasha is out - Nakkita is with Olivia in Tasha's room
Marvin- Kristen is in
Cheri- Evelyn is in
Kim is out Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a health conference- Perry is in. 
I am out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday??? ( will have to see, I see Shane is out its a PAT day) I might have to drive back Tuesday night.   - health conference- no sub required
Friday Erica is out- Emily is in.

Instruction and programming

John Howard society is coming to teach our kids for the next two days. This information is so important! I can not stress enough how important it is for kids to know their rights. Please impress this upon your kids. 

PAT- writing part A- Wednesday- grade six- No bells will ring- your kids go to the playground by walking passed the sheds. Grade fives in the pod quietly exit through the library doors. tell them to bring their outdoor shoes with them first thing in the morning. We want to best conditions for these kids to write in. 

Time is flowing by. There is still lots of time to teach. maximizing teaching time now will benefit you all in June. 

Thursday early dismissal- Staff meeting! 

Friday Pd day- Chrome book instruction and education plans. 


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