Who you are makes a difference!!

Who you are makes a difference!

Wow! It was really a heart felt experience to be able to tell you guys what a difference you make in our lives. Imagine the feeling the kids are going to have when you do that ceremony for them. We have the ribbons for you and will put them in your box. 

The next step is for them to give a ribbon to someone who makes a difference in their lives. But, we've run out of ribbon so we have blue ribbon that they can tie on someones wrist. They may choose to have the wrist ribbon tied on by you then give the nice blue one to the other person they want to recognize. 

Repeat after me: 

Who I am makes a difference. 
Who I am makes a difference. 

Congratulations to you:

Fern will be recognized soon for 30 years with the division. Fern is our constant, our leader our best! Think of the kids she has helped over the years!! 

Marvin will be recognized for 15 years with the division. I know you are saying , REALLY! cause he looks like he is 29!! We are sooo happy to have Karisa and Marvin back with us. 

Congrats to the parents of dancers. They rocked it this weekend!! You must be such proud mommas and poppas! 

Congrats to the Stars Society. They sold balloons in about 12 minutes at the Oilmen's and made $1200. One man gave us $20 for a pen as we were sold out of balloons. We have the coolest community ever! 

Congrats to Natalia. She has a new addition to her family!!! A gorgeous wienie dog named BEE! What a lucky puppy!

Congrats to Andrew whose little pup was born a few weeks ago. He will be a daddy to a little girl!! He has pictures!! Beyond that, a humungeous celebration is in order as Maxwell received great news that he is C free. Superman will have one more treatment and say goodbye to that world and just get to be a little boy who loves to sweep!!! Superman is an excellent house keeper! 

This week at Spirit! 
Mental Health awareness week. 

We recognize each and everyone of us has a struggle and for some it is a struggle with Mental wellness. We recognize people's struggles and they must know they are not alone. 

Vote 2015-

Grade fours and fives vote on Tuesday. Grade sixes on Monday. Grade fives vote in red pod. Grade fours vote in kitchen. Can you please organize the times your kids go down. Everything will be set up for you. 

 The budget is done. It is not lovely FNMI and ESL payments are cut. That is a considerable amount of money for us. We will get through that no worries. 

DPA- if you are going for a walk always take garbage bags please. Every little bit makes a difference. 

Track and field is our after school sport. 

Music showcase is this Friday. So sorry it will be busy. But there's nice busy and bad busy this is nice busy!! 

Wednesday is hats on for mental health day. It would be fabulous if we could all don hats in support. 

Shane made a fantastic video for you to show the kids. Very, very, cool. Thanks Shane.

Balanced Literacy- Don't stop guided reading now its only May 1st. What is your team working on? 

Gosh we appreciated that!

Kim and the choirs, we so appreciated the songs. All of the songs were inspirational!! Such a bonus that so many kids are loving singing those songs. 

Thanks to KC club and Debbie for getting those ribbons ready. 

Thanks to all parents who helped with the Oilmen's there were many! Thanks to Debbie who came out and helped sell.Data reveals blondes sell balloons 2x faster than brunettes. 

So many thanks to Allan Herring who has been retrieving bottles for us that total $1300. Norbord is giving us those bottles and what a help it has been!! 

Huge Thanks to Tina and Sam who had to clean up after the terrible job done by the duct work people. They must have just crawled into the duct work and slept, cause they didn't clean! 

Thanks so much to our badminton coaches Cheri and Dale. Kids love love love that sport! 

Thanks so much to Andrew N. who has really sparked the minds of several of our kids through the introduction of chess. I'd love to learn too. 

Thanks to Michelle for being so calm and cool when Our little grade four autistic girl- frisked her front like a border security agent. You are a pro and this kid thing Michelle. We love ya! 



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