It Just Takes 20 seconds of Bravery

Bravery is the topic that comes to mind this week stemming from a conversation with a mom  just the other day. Her daughter wants to take a course with us, but is very shy about coming in. My answer to Mom is she just has to be brave for twenty second. She just has to get herself in the door. If we look at things like that, in little steps, everything is surmountable. One course at a time, one visit at a time, one time standing in front of people. Our students face their fears daily and so do we.  

Happy Halloween day everyone! 

Congratulations to You/Us!!

Zama kids are breaking out and going swimming on the 2nd with Meander!!! The kids in Meander are great company! I will not be heading to Zama this week with Mark out and the kids going on a filed trip. 

Bonnie and Holly walked into the Independent Store and were awarded $250 of free groceries for our school. What a huge celebration that was. The store was really excited to be presenting this gift to a needy school like ours. Thanks ladies for always being at the right place at the right time! 

Celebrate- Jenine has Dakota on The Rig Simulator. They finally figured out a way to use google hangout to reach the lady in charge of the pilot and now Dakota is on his way! This is a boy who will graduate and when he does, we will all celebrate for him!! 

Health Care Aide- On November 7th students will get all the information they need to take part in the health care aide program offered by the FVSD and Alberta Health Services. This starts in February. Please keep your eyes open for kids who would be great health care aides. In High Level we have about three who could follow through with that course. 

Congrats to Gayle and Paul who will receive gift cards for their submissions to last weeks Blog! Please come to me to pick them up!! 


Mark is out on Thursday and Friday. Eve-lyne is in for him . I sure hope that Zama road freezes soon, or my ford escape and Mark's Mitsubishi  will be mud bogging!! Hope Eve Lyne has a truck! 

Janet Forrest is seeking medical treatment and will be out for a period of time. We are hoping she gets the care she needs soon. Janet Hackett is in for her this week. 


Monday High Level- 
Tuesday- Rainbow- to take diplomas
Wednesday- La crete to over see English diploma- Fort PM
Thursday- High Level- 
Friday- La Crete- English  Diploma 

We have advertised for Julie's position. It closes this Friday. Interviews will take place next week. Julie's last day is November 17th. Victim's services will be so thrilled to have her full time. 

Thanks to You

Thanks to all for completing your Ipp's. They are due this week. They need to be signed then scanned to me so I can drop them in our Inclusive Education spot. 

Thanks to all who continue to update our website! It really looks great! 

Thanks to all who submitted to our newsletter that Bonnie so graciously puts together for us. It's a good read!

Thanks to Bonnie who has our website contest in High Level going until tomorrow. We are encouraging students to use our website to access info.

Thanks to Alex who covered the school on his own last Friday. You have to know that was a busy day but he handled it with grace. Thanks Alex!  

Thanks to all for letting me know in advance when you have appointments etc... so we can book subs. 

Thanks to all for preparing your students for diplomas. The students need a heads up! There are tips you can give which can assist them in achieving higher marks, keeping them calm and supporting them in their schooling.  

Thanks to all who are updating courses. Julie, Darren  and Paul have been doing that!!

Thanks to all who are keeping our success bucks stores, stations, gift shops up to date. Rainbow's will be finished this week. Students are really catching on to this. 

"If you observe a really happy man, you will find him building a boat, educating his child, growing double dahlias or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that had rolled under the radiator, striving for it as a goal in itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life 24 crowded hours of each day." W. Beran Wolfe

 Events/ Programming

High Level Literacy Night on Wednesday, November 2nd from 6:30 to 7:30 at the Native Friendship Center. We are going to do a fun literacy piece. We need a couple of people to help us out with this event please. 

Results are due to central this is where we compile the data from last years Ed Plan and hand it in to central. Then I present it next week to the board and admin. I may be calling you looking for some data. 

Presentation to the board is happening on November 30th. Delve into your creative mind and what do you see us presenting??? Report is due on November 23rd. 

Success in schools meetings are taking place this week for several of our students who are involved with Social Services. 

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." E.E. Cummings

So enjoy the gorgeous costumes this evening! Treat the little princesses, spiderman, pandas and flamingos. I love giving treats out with no expectation of anything in return, so much fun, such a lovely evening.  
Image result for cute baby costumes 2016

Image result for cute baby costumes 2016

Image result for cute baby costumes 2016


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