World's Fastest Blog

Start time 7:59

Well we sure had a fun week last week. High level had the celebration of Paul having his second baby girl. Janellis is the coolest name and I can't wait to meet her! 
Julie got to spend time with her parents. They got to witness an early snow. 
Petra is wearing unusual footwear these days due to a double fracture in her foot. Note to self do not hurdle over the gas hose- go around! We are thrilled to have her back with us this morning.
 Alex went to the city for a Social Studies conference. Every conference you go to makes you a little smarter. Alex is brilliant after taken in the OEC and SS in one month. Such great PD hope he enjoyed it. 
Bonnie went to the city with some friends. Boy did we miss her!! Apparently she knows everything that goes on in this place! 

So that meant we had many people covering for each other and I thank you to the moon and back for that. This is a staff who would do anything for each other and our students see that. Thanks again for being you!! 

Zama was quieter  last week, though our hearts go out to Janet Hackett our Parent council chair. Her mom passed away last week. She went to PEI for the funeral. 



Monday- Fort and La Crete- I'll be watching the Blue Jays Game  at The Pizza Place as I have a grad meeting with Alex at 8:00. What a dumb time for a meeting! 
Tuesday- Zama-
Wednesday High level- 2 Zama kids are coming in for testing this day. Will do an Iron Chef run through with High Level kids. 
Thursday- Rainbow
Friday- High Level- 

Nicole is out on Wednesday- We have no sub that day as our Parent Council chair Janet's mom passed away last Tuesday. 

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Events/ Programming

Witches hat table topper in High Level this Friday. If you have kids in other areas who want to come to this let me know we can make arrangements. 

Iron Chef this Saturday. I will be taking a group to La Crete for the day. 

Time to check on your students. Haven't heard from them in a while- well this is the week. Report cards come out in just one month and we want to be on top of what your students are doing. 

IPP's are due right away. There are many. Thanks for accomodating for your students. Giving them audio files and extra time on tests as well as sitting with them to complete assignments works. I assisted a students with English and learned a ton about advertising. 

Thanks for your PGP's. I have met with Darren, now  to find time to meet with everyone else. 

Websites are up are running. Thanks to our website gals for that! The sites look great. Now to add a few more pictures and we will be set. 

Rainbow's rewards store is being created this week. We will all be running the program now. Thank you to you all who are doing a great job in handing out those bucks. We need kids to get things and start using the gift shop for it to work. 

Blue Jays play tonight at 6:00. 

That was 50 minutes with many interruptions. Definitely not the fastest blog on earth!!

Image result for blue jays images 2016


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