Tuesday Memo

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Congratulations to Bonnie and Gail who responded to last weeks Blog and received gift cards. Way to go!

Apologies for the delay in producing this blog. The paperwork trail that is required at this time of year could reach around the world twice. Soon, it will all be handed in and normal schedules will resume. 

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I am in High Level today taking part in the Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women Walk of Awareness. 

Wednesday I am at an LTM. 

Thursday I am in High Level in the morning meeting with central office staff for their yearly visit. If it end early I will drive to Fort and take in a Google Administration training session.  

Friday I am in La Crete all day. 

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This week:

Eric is out today

Mark is out Friday. He is off to visit Johnathon in Calgary. Pretty sure Johnathon will be pretty happy to see mom and dad. Kids love it when parents take them out to dinner and they pay!!

Monday is Thanksgiving. Enjoy this day!

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Thanks to you for...

Thanks to Gail for watching over our fish Yoshi. He looks fabulous and still rushes to the edge of the fish bowl to greet everyone! Thanks to Holly and Rick who ensured he was fine over the summer and always made sure his needs were and are met!

Thanks so much to Bonnie for organizing our conference. It was such a great time mostly because we all got to spend sometime together learning. Everything went really smoothly we appreciate the time she spent doing that for us. 

Thanks to Julie, Bonnie, Janet, and Eva who took in the website info and this week it will be seen by all!!! The website launches in a few days. It looks great! 

Thanks to Petra for leading a Google session with a bunch of kids last week. The next session on Digital literacy will be held at the end of October and I will do it. 

Thanks to Julie and Paul  for helping High Level with their Success Bucks awards program. We have it set up now and are remembering to give students their bucks each day. They really are excited when we explain the program. 

Thanks to Nicole and Mark for taking the kids out to Rocky Acres farm. It was a gorgeous day and the kids really enjoyed themselves.

Things to do:

PGP's need to be handed in.

Education Plans will be uploaded to the Websites soon. 

Ipp's for each student need to be finalized very soon. You know which students are yours. Any student you are accommodating for requires an IPP. 

Please take a look at our new websites. They are a great way to see what is happening at each school. 

Learning Store staff are to chose at least one CTS event that they will lead. Please get that to me by the end of the month. 

I am building our big calendar for all 5 schools. It will help you to see whats happening over the course of the year. The google session I go to Thursday PM will get me started. 

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I do own a Kayak!!!! 

This weeks blog is asking you to share the name of your favorite thanksgiving food. Three people will reap a reward for responding. 

For me as a kid its was blueberry pie!!! 


  1. My grandmother's green jello with pineapple chunks!

  2. My favorite Thanksgiving food was my Mom's turkey stuffing - David (my son) and I have worked hard at reproducing this recipe and almost have it! Oh and just a little Turkey tip - do not use a Butterball for this - just before putting Mr. Gobbler in the oven, pour 1 to 2 bottles of beer over him - baste often and enjoy moist turkey with every bite :)

  3. Stuffing..Gotta be my homemade stuffing

  4. All sounds so good. Even the beer! Can't wait for Thanksgiving dinner!

  5. Pumpkin pie....warm with vanilla ice cream and my mom's pie crust recipe! Yum!

  6. Sweet potato! And the whipped cream part of that stinkin' pumpkin pie! Blah!


  7. My aunt makes grasshopper pie for family holiday dinners. When I was a kid, I thought there were actually grasshoppers in it (still ate it, though!), but it's really mint ice cream over a crumbled oreo cookie crust, topped with chocolate shavings and graham cracker crumbles.

  8. As much as I love my mom's potato casserole, I'm just thankful to be able to spend Thanksgiving with them this year!


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