May 1st I Am Ready For You!!

When the weather is glorious, like it is today, we say I am ready for you! I am ready to be healthier. I am ready to move more, choose walking, biking and golfing. I am ready to save bugs instead of killing them ( that's just me). I am ready to get organized, get rid of junk and keep what matters to me. I am ready to have backyard fires. I am ready to sit on my deck till midnight. I am ready to wrap up the year as well as we started it. 

Welcome May we are ready for ya! 
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Monday- High Level-
Tuesday- Fort/ La Crete
Wednesday- LTM
Thursday- Edmonton meeting with Principal of an outreach School
Friday- Edmonton ADLC with Petra and Alex.

Thursday pm- Petra and Alex out. PD in Edmonton.

Eric will be staying in High Level this Friday. We have no subs. Jenine can you let the school know. 

Nicole is out for another month or so. No sub for two weeks. I have asked everyone even the lady that doesn't speak English!! Mark is brilliant he will make it work.I will be out next week. 

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Congratulations to us!!

Strategic Oil and gas has donated $5000 to the High Level Lunch program. They donated to all schools in the area and asked about our meal program at the Outreach School, I told them the truth, asked for about $1500 dollars and surprise! They gave us $5000. This means High Level will not require money from our budget for food, so that opens up opportunities to spend the $2000 we spent on food in the past elsewhere!!! We thank Strategic for recognizing the needs of Outreach students. 

Congratulations to Mark who picked up Jonathan from SAIT in Calgary. He completed his first year. That is a huge celebration for a parent.

Congratulations to Eric and Shirley who are expecting a grandbaby in September/October. So exciting! 

Congratulations to Jenine whose daughter Alyana has accepted a job in Prince Albert, Sask. She will teach gym and kindergarten in FRENCH! Wow! 

While we are congratulating people let's congratulate Bonnie's husband Blaine for losing 40 pounds. He is determined and it shows. Problem is... I found ten of the forty he lost!!

Congratulations to our La Crete Learning Store. They are undergoing a big renovation and it is looking great. It is happening faster than we ever thought. Those boys are amazing.

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Events/Instruction and Programming

Post Secondary Expo- Monday May 8th- 9:00 for High Level.12:30 start for La Crete area schools. La Crete students and Alex will travel to High Level on the La Crete bus. I will make arrangements. This expo features 12 Alberta Post Secondary school recruiters. We have plenty of questions for them. If the counselling bit is your forte please attend this day. As well, there is a dinner Sunday the 7th at 7:00 in the Mirage Lounge to meet the recruiters and ask questions. Cost of supper is covered. Your mileage if you travel is covered.

Thanks for your work on the report cards. We have many reasons to celebrate our student's accomplishments, those accomplishments are yours. When you move a student forward, it must be the best feeling ever! 

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Priority Funding Proposals:

We put one forward for Zama, which includes soccer balls, official nets and books for the library. The kids are nuts over soccer now! Shabib is a soccer nut, so is everyone else now. 

One proposal was for a Community Garden, greenhouse in High level. We will keep our fingers crossed that they see the opportunities for students to build skills. Thanks to Bonnie and Holly who worked on that proposal. 

June 16th is our last date at Learning Stores for handing in things. Want to be sure everyone knows that. 

Grad is getting finalized, students have to have 90% ( is this number correct or is it 95%)  of their work done by the end of May to walk the stage. Students should know where they stand. 

Accommodations for Diplomas- If we have students with special needs who are writing, you must let me know and I will apply for accommodations. It takes forever so please let me know now. We should have a great idea of who is writing in June. 

High level has two grad meetings this week. 1 executive and 1 for everyone.

Long Service awards ceremony is on May 26th. Please let Bonnie know if you are coming. We will pay for your meal. Eric and Holly will receive awards. 

First Aide will take place in High level in May. We will let you know the date. Let us know if you are interested. We will be including students in this PD. 

Education Plan- We will be finalizing Zama and Learning Store Education Plans this month. That should be easy as we write all over ours. We know what is going right and what is going wrong. 

Teachers there is an ATA meeting Tuesday 6:00. Barnett House will explain the memorandum of agreement. 

Have a great week. Enjoy!!Go Ottawa and Go Oilers. 


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