Quickest Blog Ever

Image result for oilers ottawa

Could this happen????

Congratulations to the Oilers!!

Interesting a six goal lead wasn't enough for me to feel comfortable, wonder why?? Congratulations to Ottawa who will represent in the next round. 


Thanks to Alex and Petra who attended the ADLC conference in Edmonton. We learned that almost all Outreach centers are using ADLC like we are. That was good news. 

Monday- High Level Coordinating the Post Secondary Expo
Tuesday- High Level for the Wing Ding in the morning- Rainbow PM
Wednesday- La Crete/ Fort
Thursday- Zama
Friday-High Level- I have two presentations next week one to the board for an hour and one to the Aspiring Leaders for an hour. 

Eva is out this Friday.


Part A of the Provincial Achievement tests take place this week for grade six and grade 9 students. 

Tuesday- Grade nine - Mark Zama
Thursday- grade six- Mark Zama
Thursday- grade nine French- Eric HL- I picked up the exam in Edmonton

This week Zama will finalize their field trip book the bus and get the permissions needed for the instructional field trip. 

Awards dinner is coming up at the end of the month. 

Board presentation- I would like to interview a few kids and present that to the board with some data. Can you think of kids whose story should be told?

Graduation- we should be informing kids who are at risk of not graduating. We sent out letters and need to make contact to let them know they need to complete 90 % of the course work to walk.  

High Level is having "Nacho" regular wing Ding. Gail will do the color spectrum with the students and staff who want. It is a self reflective tool design to get you, to know you better. Let's see how this goes and decide whether it is something you want to use. 

Last night many counsellors and admin met with the recruiters at the Mirage. They are eager to assist us in the North. Today HL staff should drop by to see what schools have to offer. 

Sorry for the short blog. I'm off to continue  set up that expo.

 Congrats to Zama who received $2000 priority funding money
Congrats to High level who received $5000 for their gardening project. Central office was very generous this year. 


Huge thanks goes out to Landon and Tristan who helped set up for the EXPO. Their help was appreciated. 

Have an excellent week. 


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