Welcome Rain!!

Added this for Petra and Darren and Mark!!
Rain is the earth's car wash. We sure needed that rain. Every living thing needed that rain! Colors are peaking, plants are growing and birds are singing. We think of those who have had too much rain, and are now struggling, may the sunshine on them.

Happy Mother's Day To all Mother's on this Day, such a lovely celebration, we are blessed to have kids. This Mother's day is particularly special for Darren and Desiree who are expecting baby number three in October. We are so excited for you both and for us, as we get to hold, cuddle this tiny baby. Can't wait to meet him or her.
Congratulations to Bailey, Jenine's daughter , she turned 18. She is legal in Alberta but is moving to Saskatchewan for schooling in a few months, where the legal age limit is 19!!
Congratulations to Petra, her son Tristan has been accepted to the commerce program at the University of Calgary. That is a hard program to get into. He just has a couple of courses to go then he is free. Way to go Tristan.
Congratulations to Mark, as his son Jonathan is working for the summer in his chosen field which is really cool.
Huge congratulations to Michael Stalker who has been accepted to the Law Program at the University of Alberta! He will be able to come back and give us free legal counsel in three years. Can you help us fight our speeding tickets????That program is not easy to get into, we are so proud of of you Michael!!!
Congratulations to all Learning Stores- We received a nomination for an award in the category of Student Supports for Success. (and we didn't even write it, someone else did, wow)

Please remember it is an early dismissal day on Thursday and a PD day on Friday. We will be creating our education plans from the notes etc... we have made throughout the year about what is going right and what is going wrong.
Thursday- staff meeting with La Crete staff- Michael will come in to La Crete.
Friday -short staff meeting with High Level staff/Zama- then PD day
Will meet with Jenine next week.
Anne's schedule
- So sorry but this is a week of presentations for me so our schedule is messed up.
Monday- High Level -meeting about Aspiring Leaders at 10:30- presenting to Aspiring Leaders from 4- 7:30
Tuesday- High Level Meeting with Learning Store students about Presentation to the board.
Wednesday- Presentation to the board 1 PM with kids in High Level.
Thursday- La Crete/ Fort Vermilion- staff meeting with La Crete staff- HIgh Level staff can work on their courses.
Friday Pd day for staff- Zama, High Level will be in High Level for the PD day. La Crete's Pd day is on May 25th.
Holly is out on Thursday
Eva is out on Friday

Events Programming
Presentation to the board on Wednesday pm. If you'd like to present something to the board we would be thrilled to have you come along.
Please get mileage claims in early as we are winding down. Don't keep them until the last day of June. Bonnie would appreciate that.
Grads, we should be letting kids know where they stand each time we see them.
I have laid low about summer school, dont think its going to happen, the reality is that the Summer adventure camp is happening this summer and it is an opportunity for students to earn up to 15 credits for high school. We need to push that as a way to earn credits. I will ask Scot Leys to drop in and speak to our students.
Diploma sittings for June. Like every other time we do diplomas we have some responsibilities:
* sign the student up to a sitting
* let me know if he she needs accommodations/different materials
*as the student is they would like to write digitally- and fill out the form for that in shared docs.
* please do that asap. This is a good week to ensure we are up on these things. This is the teacher's responsibility.
( side note: we are offering diploma writings in August)
We do allow students to take out materials/courses over the summer but we do collect a text book fee that is huge to ensure we get back our materials. ADLC did comment on the terrible completion rate over the summer- kids just don't finish.
Zama is preparing for their year end field trip at the end of May. That has to be handed in to central by Wednesday.
La Crete's reno is looking great. Huge thanks to everyone there who has had to put up with the crazy chaos. I think they have done a marvelous job. We knew it was going to be awful. But it hasn't been half as awful as we thought. We will have everyone out to the new place in the new school year.
Make your own weather this week. Enjoy your long weekend! You deserve an extra day.
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