Turn Can't into Cans and Dreams into Plans

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I'd like to say something weird, ( again you say), "Planning is the total key to success." Never thought I'd hear those words out of my mouth! The Roberts family are not planners! However, I've learned that Planning ahead, knowing you have options is the key to success for us and for our students. In Zama, we have a student who is transitioning to a high school. We/he have/has to plan for that move. We are creating a garden at the High Level Learning Store. Planning will ensure it is a successful project. If we want successes they are usually planned for. We model the planning when we do up their grad plans, talk to students about report cards. When we ask, "Hey what's your plan?" They should have three options ready.

In our personal lives, planning makes sense as well. I'm reading the "Retire Rich Magazine" ( i know! Too Late but)  it says planning three options for retirement is key. That's Tough, as Steve and I don't plan very often, unless it's a golf trip! But we were forced to for the wedding, and you know....., we actually can do it! So today's message is KUDOS to you, who are planners!!! You have the right idea, planning for success makes total sense. Keep calm and Plan on.

We are planning for a calm, cool, year end, one where students and staff have celebrations and closure. 

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Staffing- Please remember today is Tuesday. 

  • Eva is out 24, 25
  • Bonnie is out 26
  • Darren is out 26
  • Petra and Paul are at First aide on Tuesday and Wednesday

Tuesday- Wednesday First aide
Thursday- High Level- Meetings with Denetha Education Director, Administrators. Bursary meeting. 
Friday- La Crete
Will be with Zama kids on a field trip next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 

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Events and Programming 
  • Grads are just three weeks away.
  • You know who your grad students are and what they need to get done, please touch base with them, it is a necessity. They need to plan to get things done this week, by May 26th they need to get 90% of their work done to walk. 
  • Zama- is going on a field trip we need the plans for that trip handed in to central right away. 
  • Long Service Awards- Congrats to Eric and Holly who will be receiving 15 year awards. We celebrate on Friday of this week. 
  • Walkers- please plan to give Jenine your numbers. I am happy to say my numbers are up.
  • Ad for the Fort Vermilion position for next year will go out in June. It will read, position will stay open until best candidate is found. We may advertise two or three times, we are looking for some consistency in this role. 
  • Ed Plans are due June 2nd. I will get them out to you for critique Monday the 29th. 
  • Student contact- this is the week where we must make contact with our kids and let them know we are still open for another six weeks. Lots of work can be completed in this time frame. Move those students forward. 
  • We know this is a busy time of year so plan for the extra workload, we know it is coming, this is not new. We'd like you to stay healthy, so keeping up with it, and marking the critical pieces is required. 
  • Diploma Exam sign ups for June and for the summer- We must sign those students up, ask them if they are writing, ask them if they are writing digitally and fill out the form. Filling in that digital form for the techs is the teacher responsibility. 
  • We can now sign kids up for August writings- part A LA is a must write by computer sitting. We will have to sign students up so we can plan for that. I will let schools and the newspaper know we are a writing center in August. Thanks to Alex for volunteering for that
Plan to have a fantastic week. So happy to have a lovely rain shower this morning. I planted all my flowers. 

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  1. I plan every week - what I am doing, where I am going, what I need to be successful with my students/clients - that is for my work. I also plan time with family - sleepovers for Kainen, time with Pyper, excursions with my boys (David and Kainen), time with the girls (Tara and Pyper) and we plan for all together time (some of the best time that I spend). The last official planning time was just this past weekend - we planned our little fishing trip!

  2. Planning for grad as a parent, LS employee, and decorating chairperson! Non stop emails, meetings, shopping, organizing, and student preparing!


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