
 "and they create a trajectory that’s better" 

-Obama- from the Goalkeepers Conference in New York

Each day we  try to create a trajectory that is better for our students and oursleves. On Friday, Dylan Wiliam spoke about " better." Most every educator in existence wants this for themselves and for their students. Imagine what could be accomplished with this,  "better culture." It's simple, we do it already, we want to be better and want our students to be better too. Obama spoke of trajectory, we realize it can be a swirly trajectory, never the less, it is a move forward trajectory. 

So, here we are on Monday and you are starting to read this blog, my hope is... that the word better enters your mind once or twice this week. 

Thank you for making things better.

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Thank you

Thank you to Jenine, Eva, Bonnie and Janet Forrest for getting our numbers in to central. This week we will need all numbers by Wednesday except Zama we will hold on till Friday for you. 

Thanks to High Level for handling the landscaping date change well. 

Thanks to Bonnie for organizing the conference details for us. Rooms are all booked in your name. Please be sure to bring ID and credit card. 

Thank you to the Blast Program who is building a much needed shed for us. In addition, they built planters for the community garden. Our students will do installs on Tuesday. 

Thank you to Lisa who is managing  up to 10 students each day in Blue Hills and is doing a fabulous job. Soon we will have a recognition store and some computers for those students. Lisa we appreciate all you do. 

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Anne's schedule:

Monday- High Level- meetings in morning
Tuesday- High Level- Landscaping- 
Wednesday- Rainbow in at 11:00- Complete landscaping 8:30 to 10:00
Thursday-Edmonton Conference
Friday- Conference
Saturday Conference

Darren is off Thursday and Friday. He is up on instructional hours we are evening him out. 

Please note if you are needing days off, there is a form you are required to fill out. If you do not know about it we will teach you, no worries. We appreciate you filling it out early,  so we can make arrangements in our buildings for your absence. Which really means I will sub there for ya. 

Zama, we will get an acting principal for you while I am out of town Thursday and Friday. Will let you know who that is today. 

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Instruction and Programming

PGP's are due October 6. Let me know if you need assistance with this, it is your own document, we can not mandate what areas you chose to seek professional growth in. 

Student contacts- by now students are getting a feel for us. They are realizing ... hey these people care ... these people won't let me quit... these people will listen... 

Course fit- Please think of course" fit " with our students. For some kids the Tourism courses are way way way to easy and are not a good fit for them. There is a harder more interesting tourism course. IE: girl last year  in fort who wants to be a lawyer- tourism course is not for her. Those courses are like modified courses to feel out a kid. Let's do this better. 

Long Range plans are due this week, Friday. I have to upload these to our school site. This is for Mark. 

Inclusive Education: Severe and modified student lists need to be forwarded to central by Friday. Please check your students as these are the students we will be writing IPP's for. I will have a conversation with Kathyrn about our code 50 students. Remember with Alberta Ed's new rules. All students get double time to write exams, no need to ask permission for time  anymore. 

Sped assist training- In HIgh Level today. Will set up time for La Crete next month. This process forces us to look deeply into cum files and plan for student success. Please see Eva and Bonnie to see who out of your students has a coding. 

Court orders- Please check cumes- If there is a court order we need to know about it. In all locations court orders need to be produced if there are custody/access issues. Those situations come to me. 

Email me call me- Text me- If I am not getting back to you through email fast enough please call me, text me. I have no problems with that. There are times I see your email but can't respond, please call me and you will get your answer more quickly. There are times we won't make the decision that day but will weigh our options first and make a decision the next day. No worries if you call. Protocol is that you would come to me then to Mike or Dan or Norm or Kathryn or etc... I will do better at getting back to you quickly. 

Conference for Learning Stores- We are out on Thursday and Friday please be sure students know that and set them up with materials. For some, you have to tell them, they don't read our signs. We will also do a call out. I have let High schools know we are out. 
Zama is running as per usual. Word is some of our kids are moving, hopes are we keep them for a while yet. 

Student Wellness - When one reads about Outreach or schools such as Zama, it is clear offering mental health services is a must. We have two students in La Crete accessing services. 4 will access services in High Level. Please know that the services are available we just need to access them. There is a referral process i can guide you through it. 

Darren, Paul shared stories in response to the BLOG last week. I will be delivering gift cards to them.( If you don't get it, please bug me until I give it to you.)

Have a BETTER week than last. 

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  1. Flies and mosquitoes bother us, so we swat and kill them. As the ones that survive pass on their genes, their offspring are more genetically predisposed to avoid being hit. Hence, they are better at not being killed (and no one like that!)

  2. My husband's (secret, unvoiced, but still observable) theory....the better you get at cooking and cleaning, the more your wife will expect you to do it. Best to stay terrible at it or not attempt it at all!


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