First full Week

As a welcome to our new employee Levi, I will centre our theme around the Montreal Canadiens!!

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After checking in with each location this week, we note a rise in student numbers from last year at this time. That's good news for the students, they are where they need to be,  lovely news for us as our staffing numbers won't be changing. 

I recall starting with the division, after my first year, I was transferred from Meander to FloMac . I went in and set my classroom, put  bulletin boards up, moved in all my books, then was told I was moving back to Meander as numbers didn't warrant me staying at FMCS. Ugh! 

Truth is, student numbers drive staffing and I am so happy to say, to date our numbers are at, or near projections in all schools. 

La Crete- 32 students projected 35
High Level- 44 projected 49
Fort Vermilion- Not opened yet but 1 students with 4 projected
Rainbow- 3 students with 2 projected. 
Zama- 6 students projections 4- These kids are a joy to teach- i know Mark would say try them all day long! I met them Friday they are lovely and like learning. 

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Congratulations/celebrations/ Thanks

Samicka and Dallas are the proud parents to Isabella born September 2nd. Samicka came in an registered three days after having her baby. Baby is adorable, healthy and hopes are Samicka will bring her to school often. 

Bonnie had a birthday in the last week of August . Happy birthday to her and Jenine celebrates the big 50 this week. Huge congrats to both these ladies who seem to have found the fountain of youth. They aren't telling me where it is that's for sure!!!

Huge thanks to Bonnie and Holly for setting up the Get to Know You Night Booth. Thanks to Holly for manning that booth all night with Eric and Petra. It is always such fun to catch up with former students who have their own kids in school. We really appreciate you volunteering your time Petra, Eric, Holly and Bonnie. 

Thanks to Myrna McLean for bringing in tons of toiletries for our students. You see once people know about us they start thinking about our students needs. 

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Welcome to Levi- He starts his first full three days in Fort this week. We all know how it feels to be the new guy but it only takes one month for you to settle in and start taking charge of your school. We are all one phone call away Levi. 


Monday- High Level- 2:30 to 3:00 student centred leadership meeting with Kevin Pittman- Kitty Moulton and Dave Gallant. 

Tuesday- Fort Vermilion Leadership Meeting- Levi I am just up the street if you need anything. 

Wednesday- La Crete 9:00 am- Fort meeting with Grant at 1:00- Get to Know You Night in Fort 

Thursday- High Level- Ed Plan due- Landscaping prep, greenhouse planning- student hunting

Friday- High Level- (Zama kids going to Rocky Acres.)

Zama- Max is subbing in for Janet as she can not do her janitorial duties. Janet is looking and doing great, but she definitely isn't well enough to be doing custodial duties. 

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  • Severe coded students- We have two students with severe codings in High Level. These numbers are due into central office Monday. I will work with Bonnie on that. There are still 4 students who have not registered. 

  • Mild and moderate students those numbers are due in as well. All the students who are severe or mild mod require IPP's. We will have a conversation as to which teacher is completing which IPP.  INAC student Ipp's are due sooner than others. Candace will be coming in to assist in training and IPP completion. 

  • Recognition shelves- please update your recognition shelves as best you can. Our trip to Edmonton with we a great time to get unique items. If we can get it local we will but unique items are more easily found in Edmonton. 

  • Conference- I will be building a poster for each school to post indicating our closure on 28, 29th. Meeting with other Outreach schools is a mandate that appears in the Alberta Ed Outreach manual. I will be sending an email out to other schools noting our closure. 

  • Conference- When asked about the conference, letting people know that we are networking with other outreach schools is good information. 

  • Needs- please look at your school and detail any needs you may have. I believe that we spend our budget on the students in our schools this year. ie- we have 60,000 dollars that money is to be expended for those students registered with us. 

  • CTS- course offerings- think about it- Bonnie will be re sharing that CTS document and we are now ready to look over course offerings, considering the info Mike gave us. It's time to consider the schedule. 

  • Work experience over summer - I am going to double check this but other schools are saying Mike told staffs he is not allowing those hours to be considered for credit. On Tuesday when I am in Fort I will clarify this info. 

  • Zama- Kids are off to the Rocky Acres fall celebration- there they will see goats, cows, horses and will get to work on the farm a bit. Rocky Lane does a fabulous job of hosting this fall celebration. I spoke to some farmers yesterday and they were saying their wheat is grade A - the best- they have had a great year!!

  •  New business cards for Jenine, Alex, Eva and Darren are in- I will drop them by. Thanks tons to Bonnie for getting on that. 

  • Budget- our budget for last year is closed- We are right on or under budget. 
Enjoy your first full  week. We've already witnessed the relationships building, now it's time to see the work come in, students need to move themselves forward. So, cool NFL football started and hockey cant soon be far behind. 

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  1. Will next week's theme be the Senators? We can get to the Oilers sometimes next year... Have a good week everyone!


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