Now We Know Why Bear's Hibernate

Haaaaaallllllllooo from the other sssssiiiiiddddddeeeee...........
Anyone who knows this hit songs will understand that reference. 

January is behaving like January. That is fine as long as April behaves like April and June behaves like June. We are Canadian and we don't complain. Although the title of this blog sounds a trite whiny. 

We have to be careful that we don't complain when we have such blessings. Many families are going through turmoil with the blip in our economy and we have to respect that everyone will feel the ripple effect of this down turn. Our kids will feel it in their families and  we will too. You will feel it when you try to buy cauliflower for $9.00 a head. In Tulita NWT, flour is $56.00 for 10 kg. yikes.

Count your blessings every day. 

Congratulations to two Students

We congratulate Sabrina Paul from Fort Learning Store. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl, named Laurel, over two weeks ago.

We congratulate Jessica Flett from the High Level Learning Store. She welcomed Jamie Addicus to her family. He is a healthy happy baby too. He was born last week. 

We will get these students baby gifts in the near future.


Thank yous

Thanks to Jenine for creating the Back Course. It is available for student use right now. 

Thanks to all who supervised diplomas last week. We had no inconsistencies to report all went really well. 

Thanks to Mark and Nicole who got their kids in Zama out skiing even on a really cold day. They are so resilient. 


Welcome back to Julie. She had some appointments and had a chance to see her family in Ontario. Hoping you had a great time with family, Julie.

I am in Fort tomorrow morning dropping off a diploma. Then I am back to High Level catching the plane to go to Edmonton. The next morning I'll be off to Thunder Bay. I will be back Friday at about 4:00 pm. You can get me on my cell 780 841 2934.

It looks like everyone else is staying put and there are no absences to report.

Stay healthy everyone! Take your vitamins and drink lots of water. 


Diplomas continue this week. 

English Tuesday
Social Wednesday
Biology Friday

I will confirm with teachers, the supervisors of  diplomas on Monday. Many of you have it figured out already, I'll just confirm that. 

Friday students in La Crete are designing and decorating bird houses. 

High Level staff are routing through our Learning Store packing up things we need, as our space is limited and will only fit things that we use and need. Great time to purge for sure. Our move date is January 29th. We will be able to take over any little things before that time as the reno is complete this Friday. 

January 29th is also our Rummage sale day. We may have to start it a little later like at 1:00 so the people won't be run over by desks and tables. Feels good to be able to raise money for the student council and to recycle items. 

Zama has two coordinators coming on Friday and a sub is coming in order for Mark to spend time planning with them.

For those being evaluated that will happen according to the schedule below.

Wednesday- January 27- Mark- Subject Language Arts
Alex and Darren on Thursday January 28th. 

Accountability survey- when I return we will be asking kids to complete the "TELL THEM FROM ME SURVEY." We need as many kids as possible to do this so our data isn't suppressed. 

Parents will also be asked to fill in a parent survey. We may drive around to get those surveys done. A drive by survey- sounds cool. 

Here's a funny little take on Adele's Haaalllooo!!! Watch it sooo funny!!

Enjoy your week. Thank you for being the best you can be these kids all deserve the best. 


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